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Handmade Community

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Seller_Y262O9Ep3I1RDin Handmade Community group
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Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvFin Handmade Community group
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Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvFin Handmade Community group
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Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvFin Handmade Community group
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Seller_2azHBWt7FzGTGin Handmade Community group
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Seller_iZoOK3WMmVkluin Handmade Community group
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Seller_7UdI0hVdHh441in Handmade Community group
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Seller_7UdI0hVdHh441in Handmade Community group
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Seller_2azHBWt7FzGTGin Handmade Community group
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Seller_aRIlDc0N7vC2Sin Handmade Community group
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Seller_Y262O9Ep3I1RDin Handmade Community group
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Account Manager
by Seller_Y262O9Ep3I1RD
Amazon replied

Hello. I was wondering how to go about getting a new account manager. I have opened several cases shining a spotlight on his uselessness with no progress. The account manager we have currently is absolutely useless. We have had several issues reported to him and he either replies after 2 weeks with a link to the forums to solve our problem or not at all! This is ridiculous to say the least. Can somebody point me in the right direction so we can have someone who at least gets back to us with solutions ? Thanks.

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Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvFin Handmade Community group
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Dear Handmade Selling Partners,

In 2023, Handmade communicated exciting future changes to discoverability and the technical project that Handmade was embarking on to make those improvements. Last week, Handmade began that effort and it resulted in many findings that prevented Handmade Selling Partners from being able to edit existing Handmade ASINs or list new Handmade ASINs. We thank you for your patience as we attempted to resolve the cases that were brought to our attention and we greatly appreciate you surfacing them. Handmade has halted progress on the project since discovering these impacts and is addressing them internally before any additional changes are implemented. We ensure all Handmade Selling Partners will receive communication prior to future changes to the Handmade listing experience.

What is changing?

We are beginning a multi-year project to reclassify existing Handmade products from GUILD product types to standard product types; for example, a lamp within the GUILD_HOME product type would move to the LAMP product type. A product type refers to a set of products that share similar attributes. Don’t worry— although we are reclassifying your existing Handmade products to standard product types, your existing Handmade products will remain within Amazon’s Handmade category, even after this change.

Why does this matter?

Reclassifying Handmade products into standard product types enables the following features:

• Handmade products will appear when customers search and browse in standard categories. This is one of the top feature requests from our Handmade community. As a reminder, Handmade products are already discoverable in all products search.

• Handmade products will receive enhanced detail page content including larger product images and category-specific detail page features.

• Handmade products will appear in Seller Central’s Listing Quality Dashboard (LQD), which you can use to improve your Handmade products’ listing quality.

These features may help improve discoverability of your Handmade products and increase sales.

Actions Handmade Selling Partners can take now:

As part of the reclassification of existing Handmade products from GUILD product types to standard product types, when creating a new listing or editing an existing listing or variation, you will be required to provide a Product ID or to request a Product ID Exemption.

Product IDs are part of a system of unique identifiers called Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs). The specific GTIN required varies by category. The requirements of each category, including exceptions and exemptions where available, are summarized in the table on the Product ID (GTIN) requirements by category.

The following are the most common GTINs used to create Amazon catalog pages:

• Universal Product Code (UPC)

• European Article Number (EAN)

• If you tried to add your products via a feed and received a listing error, use Add a product to view the approval requirements for the ASIN that returned the error.

If your product does not have a product ID or GTIN, you can request a GTIN exemption.

GTIN exemption is by brand and product type, so you will only need to submit a GTIN exemption request once per product type or once if Brand Registered. Please note, at this time Handmade uses Guild Product Types but in the future when Handmade migrates to Amazon standard product types, you may have to request an exemption again.

You can learn about requesting a GTIN exemption here.

While listing your product and filling in attributes, select “I do not have a Product ID”. If you do not have a Product ID and receive an error stating “GTIN exemption is required”, select apply now.

You can verify if you have been exempt by reviewing your Applications Dashboard in Seller Central.

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Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvFin Handmade Community group
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Handmade New Listing Experience in Q4
by Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvF
Amazon replied

Dear Handmade Selling Partners!

We’re thrilled to announce a new listing experience for Handmade products launching in Q4 2024. The new experience provides you with added features and tools to showcase your handcrafted goods, which may improve your products’ discoverability and increase your sales.

You can read the full announcement in the Handmade Hub in the "2024 Handmade Newsletters" section.

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Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvFin Handmade Community group
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Join us for the Handmade Holiday Maker Panel next week!

Register here.

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Seller_2azHBWt7FzGTGin Handmade Community group
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Variation Attributes Missing Again! Need Mod!
by Seller_2azHBWt7FzGTG
Amazon replied

@Seller_nS0jcFQNDLG3e @Seller_RsATYbG9XP0HP @Seller_RTAKHeZqlPLvF @Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ

February 14, 2024 at 05:04:00 PM EST Case ID 14782422651

I need help! My Category Listing Report report was fixed FINALLY! and all info was showing on 8.4.24 and sales went back to normal!!!

Today sales stopped dead and lo and behold the Category listing report is AGAIN missing all variation info! This report's missing info is directly affecting sales!

I tried to contact the handmade account manager but she sent an auto email stating she is gone until the end of the month. I can't wait 3 weeks to have this looked at especially when this is a 6 month old issue that apparently someone accidentally fixed and now broke again.

I need someone to intercede with internal and find out what changes they made on 8.4.24 that fixed the issue but now today it is broken again. Maybe they can roll back whatever they did and fix it. It needs to be addressed quickly because of the data trail. Easier to see it when it's fresh!

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Seller_iZoOK3WMmVkluin Handmade Community group
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Handmade just for babies
by Seller_iZoOK3WMmVklu

We are a team specializing in baby crafts, we can specify a wide variety of animal security blankets, they also have rattles, thank you for your attention to our store, thank you!

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Seller_7UdI0hVdHh441in Handmade Community group
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Where's the production time in the listing?
by Seller_7UdI0hVdHh441

I listed a new product by selecting copy of another one and the “offer” portion is very short and is missing the production time. Please tell me this isn’t part of the new listing changes coming up because I can’t have my listings automatically set to just one day. When I edit an old listing, that option is there though.

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Seller_7UdI0hVdHh441in Handmade Community group
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Bullet points
by Seller_7UdI0hVdHh441

anyone else noticing a problem with adding a variation to a parent listing? It an accepts the sku and picture but then the description tab shows that I have a missing bullet point but I don’t. It highlights the first bullet point in red.

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Seller_2azHBWt7FzGTGin Handmade Community group
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I experienced a 50% overnight loss of sales and traffic on Feb 12. In investigating, I discovered that all much of my handmade listing data was missing from the Category Listing Report. I opened a case on Feb 14 and it was closed multiple times until I spoke to a live chat specialist who confirmed that my handmade data was missing from the back end. My case was escalated but nothing has been done to date to fix this.

I have discovered that I am not the only handmade seller with this exact same issue! See this post!

Variation Attributes Missing Again! Need Mod!

I have also posted @Seller_gwzuNYC3ogYNo response here which lets you know specifically what to be looking for.

Blank columns include, but are not limited to:

Column F, Brand name; is missing from some skus, but not all of them

Column H, How are your products made; this is blank for all skus

Column I, Closure type, blank for all skus, but should have a value for all skus in the subcategory of handmade-pet-collars

Column V {under VARIATION] Relationship Type, blank for all skus

Column W {under VARIATION] Variation Theme, blank for all skus

Column Z {under DISCOVERY} Style Name, blank for all skus

Column AB {under DISCOVERY} Occasion, blank for all skus

Column AC {under DISCOVERY} Occasion, blank for all skus

Column AD {under DISCOVERY} Occasion, blank for all skus

Column AE {under DISCOVERY} Occasion, blank for all skus

Column AF {under DISCOVERY} Color Map, blank for all skus

Column AG {under DISCOVERY} Material, blank for all skus

Columns AH, AI, AJ, AK, AL {under DISCOVERY} Target Audience, blank for all skus

Column AW {under DISCOVERY} Pattern, blank for all skus

Column AX {under DISCOVERY} Gender, blank for all skus

Columns AY, AZ BA {under DISCOVERY} Style Name, blank for all skus

All Columns DL through EY {under DIMENSIONS} are blank

All this information has been shared in CASE ID 15851382161

How to get a Category Listing Report? ↓↓↓↓↓

To generate a Category Listings Report, follow these steps:

Navigate to the Seller Central menu, and click Reports → Inventory Reports

From the dropdown menu, select Category Listing Reports.

Select the other optional dropdowns to filter the data.

Click Download to initiate the report download process.

If you do not see this report - open a case with seller support and request that it be made available.

Please tag everyone you know or you think needs to know!

@Seller_yoBaUhzkFJuPI @Seller_M94fHI9Bg7LMX@Seller_MoGbTyff168AW @Seller_MxyR30NXlGuuX@Seller_Gd8HNmQJSr4l8@Seller_oIxhMxMXtmM9O@Seller_Ggt6s7zXEwLbA@Seller_jQa7Q0RzvsZVW@Seller_7UdI0hVdHh441@Seller_cuio4Q9868S17@Seller_PJwTnSUgPEQye@Seller_fhBqG1ng2sOXt@Seller_duWknqNkJt3h6@Seller_rTXEzms458uPY@Seller_Ie5DmoHAEV4kW@Seller_M8DB4ikDs2U5w@Seller_ySnyiMYVYHeLV@Seller_3rsEuoNV3xQZ4@Seller_iX5ds4XHCVHAM@Seller_16u4wwaJhlRsO@Seller_Y262O9Ep3I1RD@Seller_bKbl3m40jbryt@Seller_jRZqmuAWfkILS@Seller_mozyZX8PtTMKI@Seller_ylbOq26UWrxAM@Seller_PzEehirHe3hfI@Seller_4H1fTpzm25m4V@Seller_E09A0zaltmY5N@Seller_IMvLzsigKEWvz

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Seller_aRIlDc0N7vC2Sin Handmade Community group
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Variation Images will NOT upload
by Seller_aRIlDc0N7vC2S
Amazon replied

I am trying to create variations of my necklaces, but man, this Amazon system is really hard to use and get to know! I have tried numerous times to follow the various youtube videos to figure this out, and searched these forums. The problem I'm having is in uploading images to the variations, every time the popup will not upload any images, I get the error that "Exceeds maximum 0 images. 0 images were uploaded." I tried submitting to Amazon help but only got a canned response. Am I just going to have to list every size separately??

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About Handmade Community

Welcome to the Handmade Community, the place where makers share why Handmade is one of a kind!

Like the products you sell, members of the Handmade Community are unique, with special guidelines and questions. The Handmade Community helps makers find success selling in Amazon’s online store by providing an exclusive space where you can learn from and share knowledge with other makers who understand why Handmade is one of a kind.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible for membership in the Handmade Community and how can I join?
    Only sellers approved to sell Handmade items in Amazon’s store are eligible to participate in the Handmade group. You will be automatically added to this group based on your eligibility. Interested in becoming a Handmade seller? See more details on the program here.
  2. I am an approved Handmade seller. Why don’t I have access to this group?
    We’re adding approved Handmade sellers to the community every few days, so there might be a short delay between the time you’re approved and when you can post. If you’ve been approved but don’t yet have access, please check back in a couple of days. In the meantime, visit elsewhere in the Seller Forums to ask a question or take part in a discussion.
  3. Who can contribute and post in the Handmade Community?
    Interaction and posting in this group is reserved for members only to allow for more focused conversations among Handmade sellers. To promote knowledge sharing across groups, all Forums members can read the Handmade Community threads.
  4. How do I opt-out of the Handmade Community?
    If you decide you don’t want to be a member of the Handmade Community, you may opt-out here at any time. Removal can take up to 7 business days.