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Handmade Community

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Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUYin Handmade Community group
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Seller_7yza5TpHY1OqDin Handmade Community group
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Seller_gGTAvlyzcLwUzin Handmade Community group
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Seller_gGTAvlyzcLwUzin Handmade Community group
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Seller_1P9VDeIqD3LLNin Handmade Community group
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Seller_Qp7D09NCRbW7uin Handmade Community group
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Seller_mZ0Si1f7DbOUuin Handmade Community group
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Seller_sZ5Hm4TfoKFV7in Handmade Community group
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Seller_ElNLVxVohDOitin Handmade Community group
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Seller_u5q5qYqQBnw6Jin Handmade Community group
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Seller_P85u3WAAnD3kQin Handmade Community group
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Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUYin Handmade Community group
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Thank You for a Fantastic Ask Amazon Event!
by Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUY
Amazon replied

A huge thank you to all the incredible Handmade sellers who participated in our recent Ask Amazon event! We were thrilled with the level of interest and the insightful questions you brought to the table. Your participation made the event a resounding success, and we truly appreciate you taking the time to connect with us.

For those who weren't able to participate, or if you're looking for a refresher, you can revisit the Ask Amazon event post 'Handmade: New Listing Experience'. You might find answers to your questions there, as many sellers shared similar experiences and inquiries regarding the new listing experience.

But this is just the beginning! We're excited to announce that we'll be hosting a series of Ask Amazon events in the future! These events will focus on trending topics relevant to Handmade sellers, giving you even more opportunities to connect with us and get your questions answered. We're committed to providing timely support and fostering a strong community.

Stay tuned for announcements about our upcoming Ask Amazon events! If you have any ideas for topics that you would like to see, feel free to share here.

Thank you,


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Seller_7yza5TpHY1OqDin Handmade Community group
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Next month Amazon is changing its seller reimbursement policy for FBA inventory lost or damaged in an Amazon warehouse. The current per item reimbursement amount - sales price minus applicable fees - seems pretty reasonable to me. In contrast, the new policy is extremely unfair to Handmade sellers.

Beginning on March 10, when Amazon loses or damages an item they will reimburse sellers “based on the product manufacturing cost of the affected inventory.” Unless we provide supporting documentation, Amazon will “estimate” our manufacturing costs and reimburse us accordingly.

To some extent I understand the new policy when applied to sellers who simply source a finished product from a third party and resell that item on Amazon. As anyone reading this appreciates, the problem is that the process of manufacturing handmade products bears little resemblance to purchasing finished products from third parties. Submitting documentation to Amazon with respect to manufacturing costs is going to be a nightmare for Handmade sellers. More importantly, creating handmade products takes a significant amount of time. Does anyone honestly believe that Amazon will take this time into consideration when determining an item’s manufacturing cost?

So here’s my question - can the appropriate people from the Amazon Handmade Team please act on our behalf in order to have Handmade sellers exempted from the new FBA reimbursement policy? I’m probably just shouting into the void here, but you never know…

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Seller_gGTAvlyzcLwUzin Handmade Community group
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I'm selling t-shirts and sweatshirts on Amazon Handmade and I want to combine them into a single listing. I've seen other sellers do this, and they have a really interesting way of setting up their variations. They have 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt' as separate options on the main page, under COLOR name.

Visually, on the main product page, they present two options right under the product title, almost like choosing a color, but instead of colors, it says 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt'. When you click on either 'T-Shirt' or 'Sweatshirt', it takes you to a separate variations page specifically for that garment type.

For example, clicking 'T-Shirt' shows you all the size and color options for t-shirts, and clicking 'Sweatshirt' shows the sizes and colors for sweatshirts. It's like they're using a variation to create two distinct 'sub-listings' within the main listing.

I can't figure out how to set up my variations this way! Does anyone know how to achieve this type of layout on Amazon Handmade?

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Seller_gGTAvlyzcLwUzin Handmade Community group
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I'm selling t-shirts and sweatshirts on Amazon Handmade and I want to combine them into a single listing. I've seen other sellers do this, and they have a really interesting way of setting up their variations. They have 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt' as separate options on the main page, under COLOR name.

Visually, on the main product page, they present two options right under the product title, almost like choosing a color, but instead of colors, it says 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt'. When you click on either 'T-Shirt' or 'Sweatshirt', it takes you to a separate variations page specifically for that garment type.

For example, clicking 'T-Shirt' shows you all the size and color options for t-shirts, and clicking 'Sweatshirt' shows the sizes and colors for sweatshirts. It's like they're using a variation to create two distinct 'sub-listings' within the main listing.

I can't figure out how to set up my variations this way! Does anyone know how to achieve this type of layout on Amazon Handmade?

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Seller_1P9VDeIqD3LLNin Handmade Community group
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Customer Personalizations
by Seller_1P9VDeIqD3LLN
Amazon replied

Amazon (at least handmade amazon) *need* to let customers see their personalization after they have ordered.

I have a negative feedback because the customer entered their personalization incorrectly. There was no way for me to know it was incorrect yet getting blamed and my account put in jeopardy sucks. At least if they left a product review it would be swallowed by all the good reviews left but feedback is so rare.

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Seller_Qp7D09NCRbW7uin Handmade Community group
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The majority of my listings have not been reclassified. But if I go in and manually change the category then the bread crumb navigation appears on the live listing. My question is to AMAZON @Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUY should I start changing them myself?

Sales are down astronomically since this reclassification project began. I am willing and able to change them if it would help. I may not be here much longer if things don't turn around soon.

My question to anyone else in the handmade group, have you tried this? Did it help?

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Seller_mZ0Si1f7DbOUuin Handmade Community group
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Sales tax
by Seller_mZ0Si1f7DbOUu
Amazon replied

.. I'm having a hard time finding my answer. Does Amazon collect sales tax for all sales for every single state in the US? Or do I have to collect or remit sales tax from some states? Goodness. Thanks..I just want to sell and not worry about collecting and know if Amazon does all the collectimg I tried emailing CS and their answer was not clear enough ugh. Yes I have my NY State saves tax number yes I file she's tax ever quarter. I just need to know if Amazon collects everything like Etsy...

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Seller_sZ5Hm4TfoKFV7in Handmade Community group
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Brand Name in Title, Mandatory?
by Seller_sZ5Hm4TfoKFV7

I've just made my first listing since the listing changes were made to Handmade. Something new, for me at least, is my brand name appearing at the beginning of the title. Is this something mandatory or something I can change? I don't know if I want this or not.

If a customer is looking at a page of search results, do they see my brand name + title?

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Seller_ElNLVxVohDOitin Handmade Community group
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In the last two days I've had three full refunds out of the blue; two for "order not received" (both were delivered early) and one for a "general adjustment".

There is no Safe-T claim reason that fits these, and in the past I've used "other" and then explained it. I have to assume that's what "other" is for, after all. All three of these were automatically bounced immediately and I had to appeal. The denial message said it doesn't include outbound shipping, but that shouldn't be the case, and I've never seen this message before.

(1) does Amazon not look at the delivery information? If a customer's package is missing, their first stop should be to check with their post office and put in a missing mail request, like the rest of us.

(2) why would there be a "general adjustment" for an item someone received, but not provide an explanation to the seller?

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Seller_u5q5qYqQBnw6Jin Handmade Community group
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Cannot edit my store or add new listings
by Seller_u5q5qYqQBnw6J
Amazon replied

I've lost access to edit my store. My store is still visible from what I can see, however I cannot access it to edit it at all. Instead of letting me into the page to edit, it is saying that I need to register a brand, but I received brand registry a while back when handmade was allowing us to register with the waiver. I've contacted handmade seller support, but they closed my inquiries without helping. I've reached out to the handmade support email that used to work, but received no reply. An account representative I was able to contact said changes were made to my account early December but they did not know why. Has anyone with similar problems been able to resolve this? How?

*edited to add: I am also unable to list any new products. I get Error 5665

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Seller_P85u3WAAnD3kQin Handmade Community group
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When I created my product listings 8 years ago, my customers had to choose between "left" or "right" before adding the item to their cart, which was considered a customization. Now Amazon automatically marks all Handmade products with customizations as "non-returnable" when I absolutely want to allow customer returns.

I've been told that the only way I can change this is listing "left" or "right" as "variations" on a new listing. But when I try to make a new listing, I lose 8 years of ratings/reviews on my products.

How can I change this? I don't want my products listed as non-returnable, but I don't want to lose my product reviews!

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About Handmade Community

Welcome to the Handmade Community, the place where makers share why Handmade is one of a kind!

Like the products you sell, members of the Handmade Community are unique, with special guidelines and questions. The Handmade Community helps makers find success selling in Amazon’s online store by providing an exclusive space where you can learn from and share knowledge with other makers who understand why Handmade is one of a kind.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible for membership in the Handmade Community and how can I join?
    Only sellers approved to sell Handmade items in Amazon’s store are eligible to participate in the Handmade group. You will be automatically added to this group based on your eligibility. Interested in becoming a Handmade seller? See more details on the program here.
  2. I am an approved Handmade seller. Why don’t I have access to this group?
    We’re adding approved Handmade sellers to the community every few days, so there might be a short delay between the time you’re approved and when you can post. If you’ve been approved but don’t yet have access, please check back in a couple of days. In the meantime, visit elsewhere in the Seller Forums to ask a question or take part in a discussion.
  3. Who can contribute and post in the Handmade Community?
    Interaction and posting in this group is reserved for members only to allow for more focused conversations among Handmade sellers. To promote knowledge sharing across groups, all Forums members can read the Handmade Community threads.
  4. How do I opt-out of the Handmade Community?
    If you decide you don’t want to be a member of the Handmade Community, you may opt-out here at any time. Removal can take up to 7 business days.