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Access to Amazon’s premier selling partner conference is just a few clicks away!

Join us tomorrow at 9 a.m. (PT) for the opening General Session where we will unveil exciting new launches and welcome our special guest speaker, Martha Stewart, to the mainstage! Martha will share her expertise in creating a seamless, brand-authentic shopping experiences for customers through the “World of Martha” Amazon Storefront. You’re not going to want to miss this!

PRO TIP: Visit Agenda Builder to map out the virtual Breakout Sessions you’d like to attend. A few highlights include:

  • Unpacking Secrets to Meeting Holiday Demand with Capacity Manager (100)
  • Priceless Conversions: Boost Sales and Streamline Checkout with Amazon Pay (200)
  • The EU Accelerator: Grow Your Business with Global Selling (300)
  • Enrolled in Brand Registry: Check. Now What? (100)
  • Expanding Your Ecommerce Footprint: Strategies for Multi-Channel Growth (200)
  • FBA, FBM, or Both? How to Navigate Fulfillment Channels to Maximize Profits (300)

Virtual registration offers livestreaming of sessions on September 18 and 19. Virtual sessions will be available in English and livestreamed during Pacific Time (UTC−07:00).

Register now – it’s free to attend virtually!

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I was reading on another post that you were able to help another seller remove a ASIN from the transparency program. Below is the link


I am having the exact same issue and would like help. I have opened many cases with seller support with phone calls and messages but they have not been able to help.

Someone hijacked my product and changed the brand name to my listing and then quickly enrolled the ASIN in the transparency program. The brand name that stole my listing is "Lzsuoy".

They are trying to sell their own counterfiet inferior product. Now I am being told my 600+ items in FBA will need to be disposed or returned.

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Uline Free Shipping Code
by Seller_Qbd0RsfZFEZBY

Just an FYI, Uline has Free shipping the last 2 weeks of the month.

I know some of you know where to source "cheaper" or maybe even "better" but Uline is a decent source for consistant quality and in-stock packaging supplies.

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Customer Non Service
by Seller_MwrSDol9C9QcJ

Hello everybody, how frustrate is contact Customer Non Service for nothing, they are clueless , copy and paste and don't tell nothing as a seller don't know, supposed to be answer something new and beyond the obvious answer, also MOD's respond , let me transfer this inquiry to somebody else, why they don't handle the issue and try to fix it right away, have the feeling a lot of employees don't do nothing over there.

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We do not have this product in stock. We do not have ASIN in our listings. So, I cannot update, edit, or delete or modify this product. We cannot fix a problem when the problem is non-existent. The policy violation says "No Impact" but it is an eyesore. Could a moderator please kindly take care a look at the issue and resolve the issue. I feel like I am going in circle with the account health support team.

Thank you

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New Seller with Questions
by Seller_2AuxfYg29jKGY

I am a new seller here on Amazon, and have been a long time seller of new and collectible toys and games over on eBay. I had some people recommend I look into the Amazon FBA program for my board games, movies, puzzles, etc. Most of the items I have are sealed, original items, with UPCs, but as I scan every item, it is telling me I need approval to sell each item.

How do I get approval to sell these types of items via FBA if I do not purchase documents for them, as most have been purchased over time from retail locations, thrift stores, private collections?

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amazon merchant account deactivated,Please help!
by Seller_6793WoNPdhn1b
Amazon replied

my appeal is getting rejected third time. the notification i am getting is provide full details, now i am not sure what information i need to give , pleas ehelp

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by Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N
Amazon replied

Hi all, Amazon restricted some of my listings saying that they are children jewelry but none of my products are children jewelry?? I don't understand why they flag some of my products as children jewelry and then they restrict them. I appealed many times but unfortunately it didn't work. I have same earrings with several color variations, absurdly Amazon restricted some them but some are still active??? Really can't understand what is going on... Please someone help me with fixing this issue!

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A new way Brand Registry does not work
by Seller_Qf7EwbKzuAU6L
Amazon replied

I am tagging @Jim_Amazon @Dougal_Amazon because you have both helped with responses in the past.

I have a new problem. I am the registered brand owner and the SOLE manufacturer and seller of new product (music CDs). I do NOT sell my CDs to wholesalers or resellers, and I ONLY sell my products at retail prices, and only on Amazon.

Recently, another vender posted a listing for a NEW copy of one of my CDs, and priced it at $9.99 when I retail it at $16.98. There seem to be only two logical ways for this to happen:

1) This vendor bought a CD from ME ($16.98) and is now reselling it at a major loss (only charging $9.99). WHY??

2) This vendor bought a USED CD from Marketplace for a low price (e.g., $5?) and then re-shrinkwrapped it, passing it off as new in this vendor's listing.

The first option makes NO sense unless the seller is trying to go bankrupt. The second option is fraud.

Moreover, by posting this low price, I am removed as the featured offer, effectively killing 100% of my sales until such time as someone decides to buy the $9.99 copy from this other vendor. I cannot even advertise my genuine copy effectively because ads get no impressions unless they are for a featured offer.

I have contacted Brand Registry several times about this, and they keep directing me to their "forms," but: a) this is NOT an infringement case (I believe they are selling a genuine copy of my CD), b) there is NO form I can find to report this unique type of bad behavior on the part of this other vendor.

Whether or not this other vendor is fraudulently re-shrinkwrapping used product and claiming it is new OR selling a genuine new product at a huge loss, my sales are STOPPED until I get back my featured offer. Currently, the only way I could do that is if I dropped my price to $9.98, which will mean I am selling at a loss.

I am tempted to purchase the item myself, but I should not have to do this. Moreover, the vendor might simply repeat the process.

Whereas various Seller Central agents I have spoken with have agreed with my perspective and have understood my question, they must forward to Brand Registry--where no one apparently understands this situation, and i receive unhelpful responses. (Indeed, some of the responses from Brand Registry appear to be AI-generated.)

I am hoping that I might get a helpful response from a real human on this forum. I think there should be a way for me to maintain the right to be the ONLY seller of NEW product on Amazon (unless someone wants to buy a NEW CD and then list it for a much higher price--so I keep the featured offer status). THANK YOU!

FYI, the CD I am describing is B01BH0B4L0. It has happened to another of my CDs in the past too.

Jeff Bjorck

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Section 3 not responding
by Seller_GiIVlHKsuW0kf

I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet. This is unusual because they usually reply within 2-3 days.

Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial. It’s really frustrating to deal with this, especially since I’ve been following the correct procedure

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No puedo acceder a la cuenta y me dice inactiva
by Seller_mdxRWUaWuNFZo
Amazon replied

ya llevo meses que no puedo entrar al seller central. Dice que cambie el pago y he cambiado la tarjeta múltiples veces y nunca funciona. He visto que en la tarjeta me cobran para la verificación pero nunca funciona. Ya llevo así meses. No hay manera de hablar con nadie. Soporte no funciona porque luego luego te manda a la página para cambiar a método de pago. No me muestra ni siquiera cuanto se debe. He contacto por los correos que recibía y todos rebotan. Es imposible contactar a una persona.

Ahora me esta enviando los correos que retire la mercancía y el mismo enlace que ponen me lleva a cambiar el método de pago. Amazon es un chiste el soporte son puros bots y si no puedes entrar a la cuenta hay cero manera de contactarlos. Espero que aquí haya personas de soporte porque ya ni se que pueda hacer.

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