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Handmade Community

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Handmade Community

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Old Handmade LIstings Yet to be Reclassified: Should We Change Our Product Categories Ourselves?

The majority of my listings have not been reclassified. But if I go in and manually change the category then the bread crumb navigation appears on the live listing. My question is to AMAZON @Joey_Amazon should I start changing them myself?

Sales are down astronomically since this reclassification project began. I am willing and able to change them if it would help. I may not be here much longer if things don't turn around soon.

My question to anyone else in the handmade group, have you tried this? Did it help?

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Old Handmade LIstings Yet to be Reclassified: Should We Change Our Product Categories Ourselves?

The majority of my listings have not been reclassified. But if I go in and manually change the category then the bread crumb navigation appears on the live listing. My question is to AMAZON @Joey_Amazon should I start changing them myself?

Sales are down astronomically since this reclassification project began. I am willing and able to change them if it would help. I may not be here much longer if things don't turn around soon.

My question to anyone else in the handmade group, have you tried this? Did it help?

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I have been working with my handmade rep who has access to the transition team and when I asked that team this question the answer was a resounding NO!!!! The problem is that if you use the self serve tool, or have the Amazon catalog team make the change, then Amazon owns the listing attribution rights instead of your account. So when they finally do go through and make the necessary back end changes to fix the Handmade issue, it won't work on those listings because the attribution rights won't be owned by the right entity. Sounds stupid, but because of the way their systems are set up, attribution rights are a big deal and cause a lot of internal problems if they aren't set correctly. So their advice (as well as the advice from the AMA earlier this month) is to stay patient.

But when I have a bit of free time in the next few weeks though, I'm going to start deleting older listings without many stars/sales rating and re-listing them through the new listing experience. My patience with this process is at it's end, lol! I'll leave the listings that are actually selling alone until new information is provided to us.

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You're not the only one. After all the bizarro placements, I took it upon myself to change many of mine. I used the tool and also had some changed in bulk by opening Seller "Help" cases.

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I couldn't be the only one that has done this!
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I also am lost as to what to do.

I tried to create a new listing with the new (non-handmade) system, but it doesn't appear to be categorized at all??

This is the listing:

Large Olla for Outdoor Garden Watering * 1.25 Gallon Capacity * Simple, efficient, Affordable Garden Irrigation with Buried Porous Terracotta pots (Purple & Blue Lid)

Amazon moderators: even an estimated date of when the recatagorization will be complete would help us Handmade sellers wait patiently.

For me, this is a serious loss of income

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Hello @Seller_Qp7D09NCRbW7u,

Thank you for posting here and bringing this to our attention.

The strong suggestion from the Handmade team is NOT to manually change categories for your listing. I am working closely with the team to find a path in case your listing gets assigned to the incorrect category.

Also, thank you @Seller_M94fHI9Bg7LMXfor sharing some valuable feedback on this.

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Old Handmade LIstings Yet to be Reclassified: Should We Change Our Product Categories Ourselves?

The majority of my listings have not been reclassified. But if I go in and manually change the category then the bread crumb navigation appears on the live listing. My question is to AMAZON @Joey_Amazon should I start changing them myself?

Sales are down astronomically since this reclassification project began. I am willing and able to change them if it would help. I may not be here much longer if things don't turn around soon.

My question to anyone else in the handmade group, have you tried this? Did it help?

19 replies
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Old Handmade LIstings Yet to be Reclassified: Should We Change Our Product Categories Ourselves?

The majority of my listings have not been reclassified. But if I go in and manually change the category then the bread crumb navigation appears on the live listing. My question is to AMAZON @Joey_Amazon should I start changing them myself?

Sales are down astronomically since this reclassification project began. I am willing and able to change them if it would help. I may not be here much longer if things don't turn around soon.

My question to anyone else in the handmade group, have you tried this? Did it help?

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Old Handmade LIstings Yet to be Reclassified: Should We Change Our Product Categories Ourselves?

by Seller_Qp7D09NCRbW7u

The majority of my listings have not been reclassified. But if I go in and manually change the category then the bread crumb navigation appears on the live listing. My question is to AMAZON @Joey_Amazon should I start changing them myself?

Sales are down astronomically since this reclassification project began. I am willing and able to change them if it would help. I may not be here much longer if things don't turn around soon.

My question to anyone else in the handmade group, have you tried this? Did it help?

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I have been working with my handmade rep who has access to the transition team and when I asked that team this question the answer was a resounding NO!!!! The problem is that if you use the self serve tool, or have the Amazon catalog team make the change, then Amazon owns the listing attribution rights instead of your account. So when they finally do go through and make the necessary back end changes to fix the Handmade issue, it won't work on those listings because the attribution rights won't be owned by the right entity. Sounds stupid, but because of the way their systems are set up, attribution rights are a big deal and cause a lot of internal problems if they aren't set correctly. So their advice (as well as the advice from the AMA earlier this month) is to stay patient.

But when I have a bit of free time in the next few weeks though, I'm going to start deleting older listings without many stars/sales rating and re-listing them through the new listing experience. My patience with this process is at it's end, lol! I'll leave the listings that are actually selling alone until new information is provided to us.

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You're not the only one. After all the bizarro placements, I took it upon myself to change many of mine. I used the tool and also had some changed in bulk by opening Seller "Help" cases.

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I couldn't be the only one that has done this!
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I also am lost as to what to do.

I tried to create a new listing with the new (non-handmade) system, but it doesn't appear to be categorized at all??

This is the listing:

Large Olla for Outdoor Garden Watering * 1.25 Gallon Capacity * Simple, efficient, Affordable Garden Irrigation with Buried Porous Terracotta pots (Purple & Blue Lid)

Amazon moderators: even an estimated date of when the recatagorization will be complete would help us Handmade sellers wait patiently.

For me, this is a serious loss of income

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Hello @Seller_Qp7D09NCRbW7u,

Thank you for posting here and bringing this to our attention.

The strong suggestion from the Handmade team is NOT to manually change categories for your listing. I am working closely with the team to find a path in case your listing gets assigned to the incorrect category.

Also, thank you @Seller_M94fHI9Bg7LMXfor sharing some valuable feedback on this.

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I have been working with my handmade rep who has access to the transition team and when I asked that team this question the answer was a resounding NO!!!! The problem is that if you use the self serve tool, or have the Amazon catalog team make the change, then Amazon owns the listing attribution rights instead of your account. So when they finally do go through and make the necessary back end changes to fix the Handmade issue, it won't work on those listings because the attribution rights won't be owned by the right entity. Sounds stupid, but because of the way their systems are set up, attribution rights are a big deal and cause a lot of internal problems if they aren't set correctly. So their advice (as well as the advice from the AMA earlier this month) is to stay patient.

But when I have a bit of free time in the next few weeks though, I'm going to start deleting older listings without many stars/sales rating and re-listing them through the new listing experience. My patience with this process is at it's end, lol! I'll leave the listings that are actually selling alone until new information is provided to us.

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I have been working with my handmade rep who has access to the transition team and when I asked that team this question the answer was a resounding NO!!!! The problem is that if you use the self serve tool, or have the Amazon catalog team make the change, then Amazon owns the listing attribution rights instead of your account. So when they finally do go through and make the necessary back end changes to fix the Handmade issue, it won't work on those listings because the attribution rights won't be owned by the right entity. Sounds stupid, but because of the way their systems are set up, attribution rights are a big deal and cause a lot of internal problems if they aren't set correctly. So their advice (as well as the advice from the AMA earlier this month) is to stay patient.

But when I have a bit of free time in the next few weeks though, I'm going to start deleting older listings without many stars/sales rating and re-listing them through the new listing experience. My patience with this process is at it's end, lol! I'll leave the listings that are actually selling alone until new information is provided to us.

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You're not the only one. After all the bizarro placements, I took it upon myself to change many of mine. I used the tool and also had some changed in bulk by opening Seller "Help" cases.

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I couldn't be the only one that has done this!
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You're not the only one. After all the bizarro placements, I took it upon myself to change many of mine. I used the tool and also had some changed in bulk by opening Seller "Help" cases.

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I couldn't be the only one that has done this!
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I also am lost as to what to do.

I tried to create a new listing with the new (non-handmade) system, but it doesn't appear to be categorized at all??

This is the listing:

Large Olla for Outdoor Garden Watering * 1.25 Gallon Capacity * Simple, efficient, Affordable Garden Irrigation with Buried Porous Terracotta pots (Purple & Blue Lid)

Amazon moderators: even an estimated date of when the recatagorization will be complete would help us Handmade sellers wait patiently.

For me, this is a serious loss of income

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I also am lost as to what to do.

I tried to create a new listing with the new (non-handmade) system, but it doesn't appear to be categorized at all??

This is the listing:

Large Olla for Outdoor Garden Watering * 1.25 Gallon Capacity * Simple, efficient, Affordable Garden Irrigation with Buried Porous Terracotta pots (Purple & Blue Lid)

Amazon moderators: even an estimated date of when the recatagorization will be complete would help us Handmade sellers wait patiently.

For me, this is a serious loss of income

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Hello @Seller_Qp7D09NCRbW7u,

Thank you for posting here and bringing this to our attention.

The strong suggestion from the Handmade team is NOT to manually change categories for your listing. I am working closely with the team to find a path in case your listing gets assigned to the incorrect category.

Also, thank you @Seller_M94fHI9Bg7LMXfor sharing some valuable feedback on this.

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Hello @Seller_Qp7D09NCRbW7u,

Thank you for posting here and bringing this to our attention.

The strong suggestion from the Handmade team is NOT to manually change categories for your listing. I am working closely with the team to find a path in case your listing gets assigned to the incorrect category.

Also, thank you @Seller_M94fHI9Bg7LMXfor sharing some valuable feedback on this.

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