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PLEASE HELP! Combining T-Shirts and Sweatshirts in One Listing

I'm selling t-shirts and sweatshirts on Amazon Handmade and I want to combine them into a single listing. I've seen other sellers do this, and they have a really interesting way of setting up their variations. They have 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt' as separate options on the main page, under COLOR name.

Visually, on the main product page, they present two options right under the product title, almost like choosing a color, but instead of colors, it says 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt'. When you click on either 'T-Shirt' or 'Sweatshirt', it takes you to a separate variations page specifically for that garment type.

For example, clicking 'T-Shirt' shows you all the size and color options for t-shirts, and clicking 'Sweatshirt' shows the sizes and colors for sweatshirts. It's like they're using a variation to create two distinct 'sub-listings' within the main listing.

I can't figure out how to set up my variations this way! Does anyone know how to achieve this type of layout on Amazon Handmade?

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PLEASE HELP! Combining T-Shirts and Sweatshirts in One Listing

I'm selling t-shirts and sweatshirts on Amazon Handmade and I want to combine them into a single listing. I've seen other sellers do this, and they have a really interesting way of setting up their variations. They have 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt' as separate options on the main page, under COLOR name.

Visually, on the main product page, they present two options right under the product title, almost like choosing a color, but instead of colors, it says 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt'. When you click on either 'T-Shirt' or 'Sweatshirt', it takes you to a separate variations page specifically for that garment type.

For example, clicking 'T-Shirt' shows you all the size and color options for t-shirts, and clicking 'Sweatshirt' shows the sizes and colors for sweatshirts. It's like they're using a variation to create two distinct 'sub-listings' within the main listing.

I can't figure out how to set up my variations this way! Does anyone know how to achieve this type of layout on Amazon Handmade?

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PLEASE HELP! Combining T-Shirts and Sweatshirts in One Listing

I'm selling t-shirts and sweatshirts on Amazon Handmade and I want to combine them into a single listing. I've seen other sellers do this, and they have a really interesting way of setting up their variations. They have 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt' as separate options on the main page, under COLOR name.

Visually, on the main product page, they present two options right under the product title, almost like choosing a color, but instead of colors, it says 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt'. When you click on either 'T-Shirt' or 'Sweatshirt', it takes you to a separate variations page specifically for that garment type.

For example, clicking 'T-Shirt' shows you all the size and color options for t-shirts, and clicking 'Sweatshirt' shows the sizes and colors for sweatshirts. It's like they're using a variation to create two distinct 'sub-listings' within the main listing.

I can't figure out how to set up my variations this way! Does anyone know how to achieve this type of layout on Amazon Handmade?

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PLEASE HELP! Combining T-Shirts and Sweatshirts in One Listing

I'm selling t-shirts and sweatshirts on Amazon Handmade and I want to combine them into a single listing. I've seen other sellers do this, and they have a really interesting way of setting up their variations. They have 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt' as separate options on the main page, under COLOR name.

Visually, on the main product page, they present two options right under the product title, almost like choosing a color, but instead of colors, it says 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt'. When you click on either 'T-Shirt' or 'Sweatshirt', it takes you to a separate variations page specifically for that garment type.

For example, clicking 'T-Shirt' shows you all the size and color options for t-shirts, and clicking 'Sweatshirt' shows the sizes and colors for sweatshirts. It's like they're using a variation to create two distinct 'sub-listings' within the main listing.

I can't figure out how to set up my variations this way! Does anyone know how to achieve this type of layout on Amazon Handmade?

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PLEASE HELP! Combining T-Shirts and Sweatshirts in One Listing

by Seller_gGTAvlyzcLwUz

I'm selling t-shirts and sweatshirts on Amazon Handmade and I want to combine them into a single listing. I've seen other sellers do this, and they have a really interesting way of setting up their variations. They have 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt' as separate options on the main page, under COLOR name.

Visually, on the main product page, they present two options right under the product title, almost like choosing a color, but instead of colors, it says 'T-Shirt' and 'Sweatshirt'. When you click on either 'T-Shirt' or 'Sweatshirt', it takes you to a separate variations page specifically for that garment type.

For example, clicking 'T-Shirt' shows you all the size and color options for t-shirts, and clicking 'Sweatshirt' shows the sizes and colors for sweatshirts. It's like they're using a variation to create two distinct 'sub-listings' within the main listing.

I can't figure out how to set up my variations this way! Does anyone know how to achieve this type of layout on Amazon Handmade?

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