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New Seller Community

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Seller_4GjtS9k0cnHHvin New Seller Community group
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Seller_XtU46NUj1sOTjin New Seller Community group
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Seller_oUlf9hx54lTIGin New Seller Community group
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Seller_tzAtIsGtLUs3min New Seller Community group
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Seller_lesXIzcQcVpXhin New Seller Community group
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Seller_34MSbkYODMtNgin New Seller Community group
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Seller_RhqwZFwXE7F9hin New Seller Community group
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Seller_I9n3yq1H3dwtdin New Seller Community group
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Seller_JLhD5xqjvjPQrin New Seller Community group
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Seller_Tyzp9ICawPsbMin New Seller Community group
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Seller_YqBD2S95mV0Gpin New Seller Community group
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Seller_4GjtS9k0cnHHvin New Seller Community group
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Lots of great content posted throughout the community last week. Take a look at some of the highlights below!

Mastering Shipment Reconciliation: A Step-by-Step Guide for Amazon Sellers: As an Amazon seller, managing your FBA shipments is crucial for maintaining accurate inventory and avoiding headaches. That's where the shipment reconciliation tool comes in handy. This powerful feature allows you to identify and resolve any discrepancies between what you sent and what Amazon's fulfillment centers received. Take a look at this thread for how to use this tool effectively.

Invalid Charge Methods: Have you faced this error? Learn about the type of card needed when registering as a seller including a tool to see why your card information may show up as invalid.

Adding or Editing Banking Information: Whenever you add or change your bank account information, a three-day security hold goes into effect. Fund transfers cannot be initiated until the hold expires. Only the primary account owner can make changes related to payment information. Find out how to add new bank account information to your seller account:

How to Close Your Account and Cancel Amazon Monthly Fees: There have been some questions about how to stop from paying subscription fees as well as closing your selling account. They are mutually exclusive actions so we wanted to provide some information below to clean this up. Check it out here.

As always, let us know topics you'd like to see covered!

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Seller_XtU46NUj1sOTjin New Seller Community group
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Account wrongly suspended
by Seller_XtU46NUj1sOTj

My account was wrongly suspended when I went through video verification by Persona. I am the same person with same passport still due to some unknown issue verification was not successful. Already got successfully verified two weeks back.

Have provided all documents and talked to account specialist but of no use. Really concerned about how helpless sellers are on this platform. All our inventory is in FC transfer and account got suspended for no reason, we will be suffering a lot due to some system issue or negligence by concerned person.

Can anyone from Amazon help here?

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Seller_oUlf9hx54lTIGin New Seller Community group
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essential oils with dropper
by Seller_oUlf9hx54lTIG

When using essential oils, do you use a dropper? How many droppers do you usually use?

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Seller_tzAtIsGtLUs3min New Seller Community group
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ACCOUNT Verification
by Seller_tzAtIsGtLUs3m
Amazon replied


I have submitted all the required documents for my Amazon Seller Central account verification. However, my seller account is still not activated. Could you please assist me in resolving this issue as soon as possible?

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Best regards,

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Seller_lesXIzcQcVpXhin New Seller Community group
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Account Inactive
by Seller_lesXIzcQcVpXh
Amazon replied

I submitted the required documents, repeatedly and get the same response every time below without any indication of the specific reason that I can rectify.

There is no way to actually speak to an Amazon representative or chat so I'm left in limbo. I believe I've been deactivated in error but can't get it resolve because I just keep getting the same bot response!

Dear HomeMed Supply, LLC,

We received your submission but do not have enough information for the ASINs listed at the bottom of this message to reactivate your account.

Why did this happen?

We cannot accept this invoice because we are unable verify the transaction with the supplier. Please note that documents must be authentic and unaltered in order to be verified.

It does not cover your sales quantity or volume for the items listed below.

The document provided is not legible. You must provide an invoice that is legible and ensure that no information other than pricing is redacted.

Has your account been deactivated in error?

If you believe the complaints about the authenticity of your items are unjustified or received in error, you can explain how you identified this issue by following the instructions on the Account Health page in Seller Central and we will investigate your concern:

What happens if I do not send the required information?

If we do not receive an explanation, or we confirm your account has violated the Anti-Counterfeiting policy, your account will remain deactivated.

We’re here to help.

If you have questions about these policies or the information above, please contact us:


Seller Performance Team

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Seller_34MSbkYODMtNgin New Seller Community group
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Seller Central Account shows Inactive
by Seller_34MSbkYODMtNg
Amazon replied

I setup my Seller Central Account in December 2023 and everything was going well and in July 2024, I met with an accident and was unable to check my email and try to logged in and now my account shows inactive not sure what was the reason. I am unable to do anything in my account and to my surprise neither help, nor there is any customer service phone number tried googling for 30 minutes and finally saw this forum….

I hope someone responds and reaches out to me or lets me know how to contact Amazon Seller Central…

I never expected this from Amazon which is eCommerce Giant!

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Seller_RhqwZFwXE7F9hin New Seller Community group
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I need some help please to reactivate my account, they don't give me any access even to reupload my documents. Someone help me please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Seller_I9n3yq1H3dwtdin New Seller Community group
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The buyer requested a refund because the received product was not as shown in the image. But they did not send any photo of it as I asked. What should I do now?

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Seller_JLhD5xqjvjPQrin New Seller Community group
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Sponser Ads Budget Running Out Way too Fast
by Seller_JLhD5xqjvjPQr

I'm pretty sure my competitors are clicking my ads because no matter how high I place my daily range, right now it's at $50 daily, my ads run out really early in the morning and no matter how much I raise it's out of budget within a few hours. Makes running the ads not worth it and way too expensive. The sales are minimum as well. Are their others who running into this issue?

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Seller_Tyzp9ICawPsbMin New Seller Community group
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My inventory has been in 'Delivered' status at the Amazon warehouse since September 4, 2024, Not sure why it hasn’t moved to 'Checked-in' in the last 10 days. I’m wondering if there’s a processing delay, or could this be because my account is set to vacation mode while I finalize product images? Any insights would be appreciated. Thanks

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Seller_YqBD2S95mV0Gpin New Seller Community group
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We sell a dietary supplement called Refluxter on Amazon (ASIN B0CZDJ1MSK). Our customers have been having problems with posting reviews, as we have received numerous emails stating their reviews were being denied for violating Amazon’s Community Guidelines. They did not know why and our best guess is they were using words in their review that would violate the “medical claims” subsection of the guidelines. They were using terms describing "serious medical conditions or severe symptoms" such as “GERD, LPR, acid reflux, and heartburn”. As a result, we suspect many of our customers did not rewrite their reviews or if they did they left sparse 1 sentence reviews.

However, many negative reviews that use these same medical terms of “GERD, LPR, acid reflux” are being allowed. We have flagged these reviews on the review itself via the “Report” button, opened cases with Seller Support, sent emails to and, but no action was taken and the reviews still remain. These reviews have substantially hurt our business by significantly lowering our ratings average and we feel that some of them are from our competitors. It is not fair that positive reviews are denied using these terms, while negative reviews are allowed. Also, there is one libelous, unverified, 1* review that we have tried to get removed for violating numerous Community Guidelines. It is a review titled “There is lead in this! Lead.”. This review makes numerous false statements, not just give opinions. It is defamatory and hurting our business. Please help in having this and the other mentioned reviews removed.


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About New Seller Community

Welcome to the New Seller Community, we're excited you're here!

As a new seller and member of the community, you'll have the ability to ask questions, get advice from peers, and learn from educational posts highlighting best practices and programs available to help you sell in Amazon's store during your first 18 months. We hope you'll become an active member by posting, commenting, and sharing your experience with other new sellers.

Just getting started? We recommend visiting these threads to acquaint yourself with the New Seller Community.
Welcome to the New Seller Community

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Who is eligible for membership in the New Seller Community and how can I join?
    Only sellers registered to sell in Amazon's store for less than 18 months are eligible to participate in the New Seller group. You will be automatically added to this group based on your eligibility. You will receive a notification before you are removed from the group.
  2. I'm new to selling in Amazon's store. Why don't I have access to this group?
    We're adding new sellers to the group every few days, so there might be a short delay between the time you're approved and when you can post. If you don't yet have access, please check back in a couple of days. In the meantime, we encourage you to visit other threads in Seller Forums to ask a question or take part in a discussion.
  3. Who can contribute and post in the New Seller Community?
    All Seller Forums members can read New Seller group threads but only group members can post or interact in the New Seller group.
  4. How do I opt-out of the New Seller Community?
    If you decide you don't want to be a member of the New Seller group, you may opt-out here at any time. Please note that removal can take up to 7 business days.