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New Seller Community

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New Seller Community

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📚 Curriculum for New Sellers: Day 2 - Create and troubleshoot listings


Welcome to week 2 of the four week curriculum geared towards new sellers on Amazon.

For Week 2 workbook, you'll learn different aspects of creating and troubleshooting listings including:

Creating a Listing

  • Understand the different parts of a listing and what makes a good listing
  • Steps to create a listing
  • Check if your product is compliant to be listed, and how to improve your listing

Resolve listing issues

  • Common reasons for listing suppressions
  • Know how to create an effective plan of action to reinstate a removed or suppressed listing
  • Identify the actions required when faced with an error code

Master these tools and services

  • Compliance reference tool
  • Listing quality dashboard

⬇️ Download your Week 2 Workbook here.

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📚 Curriculum for New Sellers: Day 2 - Create and troubleshoot listings


Welcome to week 2 of the four week curriculum geared towards new sellers on Amazon.

For Week 2 workbook, you'll learn different aspects of creating and troubleshooting listings including:

Creating a Listing

  • Understand the different parts of a listing and what makes a good listing
  • Steps to create a listing
  • Check if your product is compliant to be listed, and how to improve your listing

Resolve listing issues

  • Common reasons for listing suppressions
  • Know how to create an effective plan of action to reinstate a removed or suppressed listing
  • Identify the actions required when faced with an error code

Master these tools and services

  • Compliance reference tool
  • Listing quality dashboard

⬇️ Download your Week 2 Workbook here.

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📚 Curriculum for New Sellers: Day 2 - Create and troubleshoot listings


Welcome to week 2 of the four week curriculum geared towards new sellers on Amazon.

For Week 2 workbook, you'll learn different aspects of creating and troubleshooting listings including:

Creating a Listing

  • Understand the different parts of a listing and what makes a good listing
  • Steps to create a listing
  • Check if your product is compliant to be listed, and how to improve your listing

Resolve listing issues

  • Common reasons for listing suppressions
  • Know how to create an effective plan of action to reinstate a removed or suppressed listing
  • Identify the actions required when faced with an error code

Master these tools and services

  • Compliance reference tool
  • Listing quality dashboard

⬇️ Download your Week 2 Workbook here.

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📚 Curriculum for New Sellers: Day 2 - Create and troubleshoot listings


Welcome to week 2 of the four week curriculum geared towards new sellers on Amazon.

For Week 2 workbook, you'll learn different aspects of creating and troubleshooting listings including:

Creating a Listing

  • Understand the different parts of a listing and what makes a good listing
  • Steps to create a listing
  • Check if your product is compliant to be listed, and how to improve your listing

Resolve listing issues

  • Common reasons for listing suppressions
  • Know how to create an effective plan of action to reinstate a removed or suppressed listing
  • Identify the actions required when faced with an error code

Master these tools and services

  • Compliance reference tool
  • Listing quality dashboard

⬇️ Download your Week 2 Workbook here.

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📚 Curriculum for New Sellers: Day 2 - Create and troubleshoot listings

by CR_Amazon


Welcome to week 2 of the four week curriculum geared towards new sellers on Amazon.

For Week 2 workbook, you'll learn different aspects of creating and troubleshooting listings including:

Creating a Listing

  • Understand the different parts of a listing and what makes a good listing
  • Steps to create a listing
  • Check if your product is compliant to be listed, and how to improve your listing

Resolve listing issues

  • Common reasons for listing suppressions
  • Know how to create an effective plan of action to reinstate a removed or suppressed listing
  • Identify the actions required when faced with an error code

Master these tools and services

  • Compliance reference tool
  • Listing quality dashboard

⬇️ Download your Week 2 Workbook here.

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