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If you read these forums you are aware there are times a buyer cancels an order before or during processing. You lose a sale and waste your time because they changed their mind, found a better price, or realized they couldn't afford the purchase.

It's worse when a buyer self-cancels and then leaves negative feedback. Responsible sellers try to handle these situations professionally. I understand your frustration. Giving sellers a streamlined way to address unfair negative feedback stemming from cancelled orders before processing could help mitigate some of the challenges you describe in these forums.

Seller sentiment asks why Amazon cannot modify the system to preclude a self-cancelling buyer from leaving feedback. I will work with the partner team to find out what options may be possible and practical. Of course, any solution would need to balance the needs of both buyers and sellers.

If you respond to this post with a request for help, please know I may get a large number of requests. Anything older than 90 days I cannot submit - this is a partner team rule. To help me manage requests, please include the following information if you post.

  1. Order ID
  2. Case ID (you must contact support and request removal before I may appeal on your behalf)
  3. Marketplace (for now, US only)
  4. Confirm that the cancel was done by the buyer. Seller cancelled order feedback is not a qualified use case.
  5. Buyer feedback, verbatim - this must be a direct quote "..."
  6. Justification: Explain why it should be removed or struck through.


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I am writing to request the removal of a negative review on one of our products listed on Amazon.

Order ID: 111-8104557-9860252

Product ASIN: B07CRZQ9MY

Reviewer's Username: Cristina B

Date of Review: May 28, 2024

Review Link:

The review in question pertains to a bottle of Waxing Kit that was unfortunately spilled during transit, causing the customer to receive a damaged product. The review reflects the condition of the item upon arrival rather than the quality of the product itself. Our product is fulfilled by Amazon (FBA), and it appears that the issue occurred during the shipping process managed by Amazon.

We believe that this review is not a true reflection of the product's quality and could unfairly impact potential customers' perceptions. We strive to provide the best possible products and customer service, and this review, stemming from a shipping mishap, does not accurately represent our efforts.

We kindly request that you consider removing this review from our product page.

Thank you for your understanding and assistance in this matter. We appreciate your prompt attention to our request.

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A- Z Claim
by Seller_BHkzfmaQdpMEA
Amazon replied

Is there anyone else to speak to beside the escalation team, I have been transferred 6 times to the "escalation team" and have not heard one response. The seller central is just saying they can only transfer me via email. The situation is that over a few orders, the item has been successfully delivered with signature proof and photo proof, however amazon claims decided that they should debited from our accounts, even after making an appeal. I have cases still on transferred since July 22. I am frustrated because I have so much money and product and no one in Amazon seller support is helping. Any information would help, please!

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All of us sellers (and our listings) are assessed using multitudes of metrics. Whether we like it or not, Amazon has to do it. Amazon, using their standards, needs to weed out bad or unwanted products or sellers.

But how about weeding out bad or abusive customers?

I believe a vast majority of Amazon's customers are decent and honest. However, there are really abusive customers. I've seen countless postings regarding customers doing "switcheroo." We've experienced a number of those customers. Since most of the items we are selling are low-priced items, we do not bother wasting time challenging abusive customer returns. A significant majority of the abuse we encounter, however, are from customers who are buying products without even reading the product details or description.

We are in the business of selling replacement parts. Replacement parts, by nature, do not work for all devices. So when listing products, we always try our best to describe the compatibility details.

But despite our efforts to provide more accurate product description and compatibility information, there are still customers who return products because they obviously did not read the product details. It's ok if the customer is honest enough to accept that they missed to read the product description. But there are many customers who chose "defective or does not work" as return reason just to get free returns (even though they can chose other return reasons and still get free returns). But when you read the return description, you'll find out the customer obviously did not read the product details. There are also many customers who intentionally write very vague comments on why they returned the product.

To make a long story short, there are many customers who are abusing Amazon's very generous return policy.

Here are some suggestions:

1. I think it's high time for Amazon to monitor customers' return rate. Just like putting threshold on various seller metrics, Amazon should do something to customers with return rates that are higher than a set threshold (e.g., Amazon may have to require these customers to pay return fees). Customers should see their return rates when they log in to their account.

2. All replacement parts being sold on Amazon should have a standard banner that says "Replacement Part: Read Compatibility Details Before Buying"

3. "Item defective or does not work" should be changed to simply "Item defective." Customers may erroneously chose "Item defective or does not work" when they are really mean "item not compatible." If the product "does not work", customer can simply choose defective. If the "item is not compatible", customers can chose either "Inaccurate website description" or "Bought by mistake". Further, "Bought by mistake" should be expanded to "Bought by mistake or missed to read product details"

Please be constructive. My objective is to influence positive changes in Amazon's Policies affecting us sellers without negatively impacting good customers.

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I am writing to report abuse regarding four suspicious reviews that were posted on my product page. These reviews appear to be coordinated attacks intended to harm my business, as none of them are linked to verified purchases, and all were posted on the same day.

No purchases have been made for the product related to these reviews, so there are no associated order IDs. Given that these reviews were posted without any verifiable transactions and on the same day, it seems like a targeted effort to damage my product’s reputation.

I kindly request that you investigate this matter and take appropriate action to remove these misleading reviews.

How do I report this?

Thank you for your attention to this issue. Please let me know if any further information is required to proceed.

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Buyer uses a blatantly false return reason on her Return Request.

-in the present case she states that the parts she ordered didn't work when she tried to install- but the parts were returned in the Manufacturer's OEM package, absolutely unopened and unused

Return Reason: Item defective or doesn’t work

Buyer Comment: [parts didn't fit when installed]

This is clearly a buyer faulted return as the items ordered were the OEM parts, pictured and described and made for use with the machine models specifically enumerated in the Amazon listing.

Amazon auto refunds and charges Seller (us) for the cost of the prepaid return shipping label.

(item under $100)

Safe-T-Claim rejected for:

Why is this happening? You were charged for the prepaid return label costs in accordance to the Prepaid Return Label policy. There is no reimbursement due on this order.

WHAT will it take to close down this fraudulent Amazon activity?

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In the past, every time I filed a SAFE-T claim for this reason, Amazon resolved it in my favor. However, this time, the outcome was different. Has something changed?

The customer returned the product, citing that it arrived late. The shipping label was purchased through Amazon, shipped on time, scanned by USPS the same day, and delivered on time as well. Despite this, Amazon denied my SAFE-T claim. I appealed, explaining the situation in another way and providing the tracking information, yet it was denied again. Both times, I received identical responses—seemed like a copy and paste.

Another issue is that the email refers to a page about "Return Costs," but that page doesn’t seem to exist. Does anyone know where to find it?

For reference, this is the complete response I received from Amazon (both emails were identical):

Hello ttrellis,

We have denied your reimbursement request for order 114-7297668-1975441.

Why is this happening?

The issue you reported is not covered by the Prepaid Returns for Seller Fulfilled Order program. The item you requested reimbursement for return label cost is eligible for free returns. For more information about Amazon’s return policies, visit "Return Costs":


How do I appeal the decision on my claim?

If you do not agree with the denial of your claim, you can appeal the decision by submitting additional information within 7 calendar days of receiving the SAFE-T claim decision notification. To do so, select the "View Message" button that is located under the "Manage SAFE-T Claims" page in Seller Central for the corresponding order ID.

We are here to help.

For more information about the Prepaid Return Labels policy, visit "Prepaid returns for seller-fulfilled orders":


For more information about the reimbursement policy, visit "Reimbursement policy for Prepaid Return Labels (PRL) in the seller-fulfilled network":


The "Account Health" page shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon. To view your account performance, select "Account Health" on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device, or go to the "Account Health" page in Seller Central:


-- iOS App

-- Android App

Account Specialist

Amazon Services SAFE-T Program

I would appreciate any insight or similar experiences you may have had recently. Thanks in advance for your help!

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I got an email with notification of refund initiated for an order for the amount of $1846. I was unable to find this order anywhere in return reports or payments or even in my emails so I checked closer- the refund was for an item that I haven't sold in over 3 years! I have not had this item for sale since June 2021 !

I understand the official Amazon policy is to provide exceptions to returns outside the 30 day window on a case-by-case basis but for a computer to be returned after 3+ years and get almost a full refund is basically just a gift since it has maybe 20% of the original at this point! Even if it is in mint condition, which I highly doubt.

Besides the fact that suspiciously I cannot find any record of the return or original order, besides this refund showing up in my payment transactions and deducting from my balance. Why is Amazon refunding a customer for a "Customer Return" but it is not showing up in any of the returns reports for FBA , nor can I find the original email for this order ID which I never delete.

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Are A-to-Z Claim appeals just getting auto denied?
by Seller_Yu2pkzwtvWzSW
Amazon replied

I've had multiple bogus A-to-Z Claims go against me recently, both of which were obviously fraud. Then, when I appealed and provided ample evidence, the appeals were denied and the language suggested nobody ever read my appeal or looked at the messages with the customer. How are we supposed to operate when customers can steal our products and we have no recourse?

Order 1


Customer claimed they never received their order (a table tennis table shipped and delivered on a pallet). We provided photos of the POD from the carrier and a picture of the table sitting in their driveway with their house and house number in the picture. "We have reviewed all available information and determined you have not provided sufficient evidence to prove delivery." There goes $1,500.

Order 2


Customer claimed they never received their order. We reached out asking if they wanted us to reship the order or process a refund. No response from the customer, then a day later they get the Claim awarded to them. On appeal, we provided the FedEx POD which showed the package was signed for and confirmed they had us ship to a freight forwarder that signed for the package. "However, you did not provide the carrier name or it does not show any tracking information on the carrier's website." Tracking information is in the order info, my written appeal, and on the POD from FedEx. There goes more money......

What is going on here? How am I supposed to fight this stuff? Customers can claim whatever they want and no amount of documentation on my end seems to make any difference.

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Order ID: # 114-6736576-2770604

A customer returned an old, broken, and used product. The serial number of the product we shipped in the original packaging does not match the one the customer returned.The customer kept the new product and returned one they had previously used to us. Therefore, we charged a restocking fee, and the customer left a negative feedback.

The photos of the returned product are still available, and I uploaded them to the system on Amazon return page.

Any ideas of how to resolve this?

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SAFE-T Claim Keeps getting Denied
by Seller_dDZbHN4FcE6oc
Amazon replied

We have a SAFE-T claim that keeps getting denied for order 113-6996234-6857069 and Case 15791735891. A customer sent back a completely different item than we sold them.

We have provided all the information necessary for any reasonable person to understand we are rightfully owed the claim. Yet, Amazon keeps denying it and now they say they won't reply anymore. This is crazy.

We provided photos showing the differences, we provided serial numbers, we provided an invoice, we provided links to the manufacturer website and we provided photos of the box with label.

Since we've done everything possible on the SAFE-T claim front, I don't know what else to do other than come here.

@Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX you helped us with our last forum post, maybe you can help again? Or another mod?


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