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Amazon moving products to different categories
by Seller_oDXVaydIpi3Hi
Amazon replied

In other words...another reset at Amazon. Their AI is obviously so much smarter than the sellers who choose the categories to begin with. Like where they are moving 6 SKUs of one item from "Home and Kitchen" to "Health and Personal Care," and three other SKUs of the same type of product from "Health and Personal Care" to "Home and Kitchen" after we originally listed them all the same. Or our "automotive" items to "Home and Kitchen."

When will it end?

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Is anyone else selling clothing encountered this issue since new inventory manager?

I sell clothing in different sizes. I had 150 parent listings with 5-6 children on each. This was perfect for 1-4 years on these listings.

Out of nowhere every parent says "incomplete" and the children asins popped off the parents. The children are active but instead of a parent with a drop down size menu each child (size) has its own detail page.

I went from 150 parent listings with nice drop down size menus to 900 standalone children.

Any suggestions to fix? Do I need to make new parents and add the children?

I list using the add a product templates.

thank you

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Seller_ROXf1TEBjhGWOin New Seller Community group
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I am not sure why it keeps happening. It is my own brand and custom formula. It says:

Address policy violations to meet listing guidelines

Reason: Restricted product policy violations.

But there is nothing in it that is restricted . 100% positive here as the manufacturer has multiple brands on Amazon with similar or same formulas/ingredients.

The ASIN is


When i click "review blocked reason" and then click "Submit Appeal" there is nothing under "open" to be able to submit one. Over the last few week also it goes from "inactive" and listing taken down to active and listing is up multiple times a day.... so bizarre and very frustrating. Any advice?

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Sleepy Joe Biden thanks to him all of my watch sales are completely DEAD by signing the Reeses law act!!! In the past month I have other 5,800 General Certificate of Conformity for the Consumer Button Cell Battery. From what I was told only the manufacturer has that and its unattainable for me to get ahold.

My whole business is completely crippled by this! There is no light at the end of the tunnel for this mess!

Every listing is turning into a dog page. Does anybody know if it will effect ebay and wal mart platforms too?

Does anybody have any insight how to fix this disastrous mess?


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Copy of our item but on a separate listing?
by Seller_TLvvum4XOfaPe

What is the correct procedure for me to report this?

We have an art print for which we have copyright pending registration. . .hopefully will be complete any day now based on response we've gotten from the copyright offices. Another seller has listed this item on a different listing from ours as a "color variation" on one of their listings. Our design is Bible verses artistically displayed and the other items on their listing are gamer and car art prints so they are unrelated items under one listing. What is the best way for me to report this to Amazon? I know that Amazon needs my copyright registration for the copyright issue but isn't it a violation to list an identical item on a random other listing? I have reached out to the seller without a reply so far. They even have a UPC for their item and we do not have UPC on our designs.

I used the duplicate item on separate listing option and was given a "no action, no violation" response on Complaint ID: 16344323091.

I also used the incorrectly added as a variation options and was also given a "no action, no violation" response on Complaint ID: 16350590641

I have reached out to Seller (non)Support and they told me to report again which I did and gave them the following info on this last submission per their instruction:

I reported an additional time that this ASIN BXXXXXX4 is in violation of the policy which prohibits:

  • Adding incorrect child variations that are not true variations of the parent product. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Adding products that are fundamentally different from the parent ASIN
  • Adding products images and/or names that are that are fundamentally different from the parent ASIN

New complaint ID 16350913941 got the following reply:


We received your report of Amazon policy violation ID 16350913941 regarding the ASIN(s) below. Because you recently submitted an identical claim (16350590641), we will not investigate this duplicate claim. Please allow 1 to 2 business days for investigation of the original claim.



Amazon Customer and Brand Protection

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Virtual Bundles Defaulting to FBM
by Seller_vSgbw6pM8UDIn
Amazon replied

Case ID: 15941474621

I recently created a few virtual bundles, they should be FBA but are defaulting to FBM. There is no way to change it to FBA.

I have other longstanding virtual bundles that are listed as FBA, but have now switched over to FBM.

Seller support keeps asking for an error code. There is not one present, but there is no option to swap it to FBA. Not sure what to do.

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ASIN suddenly discontinued
by Seller_2uH5NIh2TfAX3


One of my ASINs was marked inactive as "discontinued." I contacted Seller Support (case ID 16349587211), and they said it was because there were no offers for 30 days, but that's not true. I had active offers and sales. Amazon even asked me to restock it couple of days ago and I shipped new units to FC. Now Amz saying it's discontinued, which doesn't make sense.

I haven't received any performance notifications, and when I try to appeal, it shows zero policy violations. Support suggested I relist, but the 1-click relist feature isn’t working. They advised creating a new listing, which would require updating my FBA inventory labels. It's not managable , because I will need to wait my shipped units to arrive to FC and placed to shelf, later I will create removal order, receive it, relabel it, ship it to FC ...

Can you please help me?




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How can I get the UPC code to show up in "Product details"? I have the UPC box checked in the user preferences but it does not show up on the product details. I need this because I scan the UPC code to see if an item already exists in my inventory. the old version had this feature.

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Seller_dHnRpNN5ijzc4in New Seller Community group
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Title update
by Seller_dHnRpNN5ijzc4

hello, i am trying to update my title since 3 months form now but still cant change my title. I try with delete my listing many many times wait 24 hours. full update with xlm file. contact amazon many many times still waiting to update my title also, I am band solo owner I am brand registered with my brand. and when i delete my listing wait 24 hour after that my ranking go up very badly. I also lose my features offer too.

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have done evrything called upon. jumped through every hoop. I continue to get a canned response that ends up circling back to a longer effected ASIN list of things that AMAZON misappropriated as noxious weed. not my fault, i have taken cautionary approach and reviewed all pages, uploads, and every word. i am not selling noxiouse weed. i am abiding by all us federal and state guidelines. amazon continues to make this a longer and more difficult process with no support. feel free to ask @Seller_8hQgfj6OVZYse@Seller_1KYLYkgAlu4xX@Seller_pAPBCLhysbW5T@Seller_RSwABJNHpHnEZ@Seller_RsATYbG9XP0HP@Seller_l3eCP9f1PtJXC @Seller_guPeMXBrBxqyU

this is a perpetuating notion that seems to have no person to actually help. however a dozen different bots with real names who should all be reviewed for reprimanding.

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