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Ask Amazon Summer Series - Day 4: Report a Violation and Project Zero

Hi Sellers,

Welcome to DAY 4 of our Ask Amazon Summer Series with the Brand Registry partner team! For today’s Ask Amazon Q&A, the team is available to answer your questions regarding the Report a Violation tool and Project Zero. Please note that Day 4’s event thread will be open August 1st, from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

What is the Report a Violation tool? The Report a Violation tool can be used to report potential intellectual property (IP) infringements like copyright, patent, or trademark violations.

What is Project Zero? Project Zero uses the power of Amazon technology combined with brand insights to detect and remove counterfeits.

Please include any questions you have regarding the Report a Violation tool or Project Zero in the replies of this thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

If you missed any of the Ask Amazon events from this week, or if you have more questions, the Brand Registry team will be available tomorrow, August 2nd, from 8 am to 5 pm PST for an encore live Q&A! You can join in RIGHT HERE.

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

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Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon Summer Series - Day 4: Report a Violation and Project Zero

Hi Sellers,

Welcome to DAY 4 of our Ask Amazon Summer Series with the Brand Registry partner team! For today’s Ask Amazon Q&A, the team is available to answer your questions regarding the Report a Violation tool and Project Zero. Please note that Day 4’s event thread will be open August 1st, from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

What is the Report a Violation tool? The Report a Violation tool can be used to report potential intellectual property (IP) infringements like copyright, patent, or trademark violations.

What is Project Zero? Project Zero uses the power of Amazon technology combined with brand insights to detect and remove counterfeits.

Please include any questions you have regarding the Report a Violation tool or Project Zero in the replies of this thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

If you missed any of the Ask Amazon events from this week, or if you have more questions, the Brand Registry team will be available tomorrow, August 2nd, from 8 am to 5 pm PST for an encore live Q&A! You can join in RIGHT HERE.

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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49 replies
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Hello, we try to register our brand registry 3 times and we receive

15731579721 case ID number.

We don't know what's the exact problem about our brand registry.

We want to know exact problem and solution thank you

user profile

When are the best use cases for the "Report a Violation tool" ?

Am I able to use this when someone uses my images and changes/alters a few things like the brandname? What about when someone copies my A+ Content and changes the brandname only? How to properly report them and would this help in taking down their listing?

What would happen if amazon rejects it when you've shown literal proof of it. Is that the time to get a lawyer involved to speak to the infringer on my behalf?

Is there any additional payments to get Project Zero?

user profile

My next batch of questions:

When can I get updated about the next "Ask Amazon Summer Series" I only found out about this right now on the last day.

Am I able to get Prject Zero in advance? It says I need to use the report violation once to apply for this. Is there any way I can apply for this in advance to avoid potential infringements in the future?

What is the specific link for the report a violation tool? Is there a specific email we can use to directly write to the team responsible for the report a violation tool?

There have been talks in other social groups where most time the report a violation tool is not that useful because even with proof, amazon allows other sellers to freely copy someone else's images. Has this been changed over the last few months? Has Amazon been more strict in disallowing sellers that copy images or an imitation of a product?

user profile

If we have other questions regarding this, where can we direct them? Most times the support channel in the get help section isn't helpful unfortunately... with generic replies.

When is your next Ask Amazon Series too? Would you be able to tag me there?

user profile

So if a seller or sellers are seling gold plated brass, but listing it as 14K gold - (committing fraud), which category would you use to report that?

I have messaging from the sellers, not from this country, that none of their items are really gold like the detail pages say. I have test orders, none of the items are stamped 14K like the detail pages say.

When we report this the bot says no violation. So what would be the correct category to report this in? I even quote and link the amazon policy when submitting the complaints, but according to the bots, violating amazon policy is not a violation of Amazon policies.

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Case ID: 15460819891

My application for brand filing was rejected. I have submitted several applications, but I have not received any response since June 20. I closed the appeal case yesterday and submitted another appeal again. I don't know when I'll hear back. I am afraid that I will continue to wait for a long time. Could you please help me contact the brand filing team to reply me as soon as possible? Thank you very much!

Best regards


user profile


My team and I found a product from our physical store that started to gain attraction in our Amazon sales as well. After a few weeks of positive sales, we noticed a dip and I started to investigate. I found a listing for a 2-pack of the item that was created by another seller for a much lower price than simply buying two of ours. That's obviously just good business from the other seller, so I tried to create a variation of our own to capitalize on this new avenue.

Our product is a branded item that we receive from our vendors to stock in our physical store, but this new 2-pack is labeled as a generic item. Because of the generic posting, we were unable to list it initially. My research has told me that this is in violation of Amazon’s Generic Item policy, but because I am not a direct IP rights holder, I don't see any avenue to address this issue.

We were approved to list the 2-pack generic item, but I am weary to go through with that as I believe that this product violates the policy and don't want to be associated with any issues that could arise.

We were told that the ASIN has been found to NOT violate the policy and we would be fine to list the product without fear of repercussions. My overall question is whether I am misunderstanding the policy and can simply move forward with listing the ASIN, or if I should work to receive a Letter of Authorization?

For reference of actual products and AISN's, my earlier Support ID is 15726335121.

user profile

Hello @Seller_Lu3bFSNnS57zM

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon Summer Series event. I wanted to mention you here regarding the questions you asked during our Enrollment and Eligibility event on day 1.

Question 1: Why does the Brand Registry Allow violations of the Transparency program?? Brands are enrolling into transparency but only printing the Transparency codes on bottle they sell on Amazon and not on the ones they sell everywhere else?

Answer for Q1: Questions about the Transparency programs are out of scope for this event since the topic is about Report a Violation and Project Zero. However, if you notice violations with the program please utilize the inquiry form to report or ask questions to the team !

Question 2: Why do you allow Trademark on Product complaints against Sellers in which a 3rd party Brand has filed? (Which means the violation was not filed by the Actual brand owner of the product being sold but by some 3rd company that claims ownership of a WORD on the Actual brand owners labeling)

Example: I am selling an Herb Pharm Product and Calmco (A different company entirely) filed a trademark in which NO SELLER is required to confirm the BRAND they sell is not violating trademarks.

CALMCO issue with the BRAND Herb Pharm and not SELLERs. Seller DO NOT PRINT or PRODUCE the product.

Answer to Q2: We are currently contacting partner teams to help answer your question here. Once we receive a reply we will notify you in this thread. Thank you for your patience.


user profile

Why are there IP Violations issued against the names of cities? I got hit with it because of our manufacturing location being on the listing, but the place of manufacture is an important fact.

Then, I come to the forums for answers and find this is very common. The Trademark Act "prohibits registering trademarks that are primarily geographically descriptive of goods or services." Therefore, the word "Dublin" or "Orlando" in the context of a geographical location, and is primarily a geographic description, cannot legally be an IP Violation.

Is there a way to stop this from happening?

user profile

Why doesn't the report a violation work when it is not a brand registry issue? I am unable to open a case against a seller who is selling the wrong color variation on my listing. I've done a test purchase, but there is no place to upload photos. This is a custom color that was designed for my account, but is not my brand.

user profile

Ask Amazon Summer Series - Day 4: Report a Violation and Project Zero

Hi Sellers,

Welcome to DAY 4 of our Ask Amazon Summer Series with the Brand Registry partner team! For today’s Ask Amazon Q&A, the team is available to answer your questions regarding the Report a Violation tool and Project Zero. Please note that Day 4’s event thread will be open August 1st, from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

What is the Report a Violation tool? The Report a Violation tool can be used to report potential intellectual property (IP) infringements like copyright, patent, or trademark violations.

What is Project Zero? Project Zero uses the power of Amazon technology combined with brand insights to detect and remove counterfeits.

Please include any questions you have regarding the Report a Violation tool or Project Zero in the replies of this thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

If you missed any of the Ask Amazon events from this week, or if you have more questions, the Brand Registry team will be available tomorrow, August 2nd, from 8 am to 5 pm PST for an encore live Q&A! You can join in RIGHT HERE.

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

49 replies
Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon Summer Series - Day 4: Report a Violation and Project Zero

Hi Sellers,

Welcome to DAY 4 of our Ask Amazon Summer Series with the Brand Registry partner team! For today’s Ask Amazon Q&A, the team is available to answer your questions regarding the Report a Violation tool and Project Zero. Please note that Day 4’s event thread will be open August 1st, from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

What is the Report a Violation tool? The Report a Violation tool can be used to report potential intellectual property (IP) infringements like copyright, patent, or trademark violations.

What is Project Zero? Project Zero uses the power of Amazon technology combined with brand insights to detect and remove counterfeits.

Please include any questions you have regarding the Report a Violation tool or Project Zero in the replies of this thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

If you missed any of the Ask Amazon events from this week, or if you have more questions, the Brand Registry team will be available tomorrow, August 2nd, from 8 am to 5 pm PST for an encore live Q&A! You can join in RIGHT HERE.

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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Ask Amazon Summer Series - Day 4: Report a Violation and Project Zero

by Jameson_Amazon

Hi Sellers,

Welcome to DAY 4 of our Ask Amazon Summer Series with the Brand Registry partner team! For today’s Ask Amazon Q&A, the team is available to answer your questions regarding the Report a Violation tool and Project Zero. Please note that Day 4’s event thread will be open August 1st, from 8 am to 5 pm PST.

What is the Report a Violation tool? The Report a Violation tool can be used to report potential intellectual property (IP) infringements like copyright, patent, or trademark violations.

What is Project Zero? Project Zero uses the power of Amazon technology combined with brand insights to detect and remove counterfeits.

Please include any questions you have regarding the Report a Violation tool or Project Zero in the replies of this thread. Our partner team will be reviewing the questions that come in throughout the day and we’ll do our best to respond as soon as possible.

If you missed any of the Ask Amazon events from this week, or if you have more questions, the Brand Registry team will be available tomorrow, August 2nd, from 8 am to 5 pm PST for an encore live Q&A! You can join in RIGHT HERE.

Note: We cannot provide legal advice or otherwise interpret regulatory requirements on situations that are specific to individual sellers.

Tags:Ask Amazon
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Hello, we try to register our brand registry 3 times and we receive

15731579721 case ID number.

We don't know what's the exact problem about our brand registry.

We want to know exact problem and solution thank you

user profile

When are the best use cases for the "Report a Violation tool" ?

Am I able to use this when someone uses my images and changes/alters a few things like the brandname? What about when someone copies my A+ Content and changes the brandname only? How to properly report them and would this help in taking down their listing?

What would happen if amazon rejects it when you've shown literal proof of it. Is that the time to get a lawyer involved to speak to the infringer on my behalf?

Is there any additional payments to get Project Zero?

user profile

My next batch of questions:

When can I get updated about the next "Ask Amazon Summer Series" I only found out about this right now on the last day.

Am I able to get Prject Zero in advance? It says I need to use the report violation once to apply for this. Is there any way I can apply for this in advance to avoid potential infringements in the future?

What is the specific link for the report a violation tool? Is there a specific email we can use to directly write to the team responsible for the report a violation tool?

There have been talks in other social groups where most time the report a violation tool is not that useful because even with proof, amazon allows other sellers to freely copy someone else's images. Has this been changed over the last few months? Has Amazon been more strict in disallowing sellers that copy images or an imitation of a product?

user profile

If we have other questions regarding this, where can we direct them? Most times the support channel in the get help section isn't helpful unfortunately... with generic replies.

When is your next Ask Amazon Series too? Would you be able to tag me there?

user profile

So if a seller or sellers are seling gold plated brass, but listing it as 14K gold - (committing fraud), which category would you use to report that?

I have messaging from the sellers, not from this country, that none of their items are really gold like the detail pages say. I have test orders, none of the items are stamped 14K like the detail pages say.

When we report this the bot says no violation. So what would be the correct category to report this in? I even quote and link the amazon policy when submitting the complaints, but according to the bots, violating amazon policy is not a violation of Amazon policies.

user profile



Case ID: 15460819891

My application for brand filing was rejected. I have submitted several applications, but I have not received any response since June 20. I closed the appeal case yesterday and submitted another appeal again. I don't know when I'll hear back. I am afraid that I will continue to wait for a long time. Could you please help me contact the brand filing team to reply me as soon as possible? Thank you very much!

Best regards


user profile


My team and I found a product from our physical store that started to gain attraction in our Amazon sales as well. After a few weeks of positive sales, we noticed a dip and I started to investigate. I found a listing for a 2-pack of the item that was created by another seller for a much lower price than simply buying two of ours. That's obviously just good business from the other seller, so I tried to create a variation of our own to capitalize on this new avenue.

Our product is a branded item that we receive from our vendors to stock in our physical store, but this new 2-pack is labeled as a generic item. Because of the generic posting, we were unable to list it initially. My research has told me that this is in violation of Amazon’s Generic Item policy, but because I am not a direct IP rights holder, I don't see any avenue to address this issue.

We were approved to list the 2-pack generic item, but I am weary to go through with that as I believe that this product violates the policy and don't want to be associated with any issues that could arise.

We were told that the ASIN has been found to NOT violate the policy and we would be fine to list the product without fear of repercussions. My overall question is whether I am misunderstanding the policy and can simply move forward with listing the ASIN, or if I should work to receive a Letter of Authorization?

For reference of actual products and AISN's, my earlier Support ID is 15726335121.

user profile

Hello @Seller_Lu3bFSNnS57zM

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon Summer Series event. I wanted to mention you here regarding the questions you asked during our Enrollment and Eligibility event on day 1.

Question 1: Why does the Brand Registry Allow violations of the Transparency program?? Brands are enrolling into transparency but only printing the Transparency codes on bottle they sell on Amazon and not on the ones they sell everywhere else?

Answer for Q1: Questions about the Transparency programs are out of scope for this event since the topic is about Report a Violation and Project Zero. However, if you notice violations with the program please utilize the inquiry form to report or ask questions to the team !

Question 2: Why do you allow Trademark on Product complaints against Sellers in which a 3rd party Brand has filed? (Which means the violation was not filed by the Actual brand owner of the product being sold but by some 3rd company that claims ownership of a WORD on the Actual brand owners labeling)

Example: I am selling an Herb Pharm Product and Calmco (A different company entirely) filed a trademark in which NO SELLER is required to confirm the BRAND they sell is not violating trademarks.

CALMCO issue with the BRAND Herb Pharm and not SELLERs. Seller DO NOT PRINT or PRODUCE the product.

Answer to Q2: We are currently contacting partner teams to help answer your question here. Once we receive a reply we will notify you in this thread. Thank you for your patience.


user profile

Why are there IP Violations issued against the names of cities? I got hit with it because of our manufacturing location being on the listing, but the place of manufacture is an important fact.

Then, I come to the forums for answers and find this is very common. The Trademark Act "prohibits registering trademarks that are primarily geographically descriptive of goods or services." Therefore, the word "Dublin" or "Orlando" in the context of a geographical location, and is primarily a geographic description, cannot legally be an IP Violation.

Is there a way to stop this from happening?

user profile

Why doesn't the report a violation work when it is not a brand registry issue? I am unable to open a case against a seller who is selling the wrong color variation on my listing. I've done a test purchase, but there is no place to upload photos. This is a custom color that was designed for my account, but is not my brand.

user profile

Hello, we try to register our brand registry 3 times and we receive

15731579721 case ID number.

We don't know what's the exact problem about our brand registry.

We want to know exact problem and solution thank you

user profile

Hello, we try to register our brand registry 3 times and we receive

15731579721 case ID number.

We don't know what's the exact problem about our brand registry.

We want to know exact problem and solution thank you

user profile

When are the best use cases for the "Report a Violation tool" ?

Am I able to use this when someone uses my images and changes/alters a few things like the brandname? What about when someone copies my A+ Content and changes the brandname only? How to properly report them and would this help in taking down their listing?

What would happen if amazon rejects it when you've shown literal proof of it. Is that the time to get a lawyer involved to speak to the infringer on my behalf?

Is there any additional payments to get Project Zero?

user profile

When are the best use cases for the "Report a Violation tool" ?

Am I able to use this when someone uses my images and changes/alters a few things like the brandname? What about when someone copies my A+ Content and changes the brandname only? How to properly report them and would this help in taking down their listing?

What would happen if amazon rejects it when you've shown literal proof of it. Is that the time to get a lawyer involved to speak to the infringer on my behalf?

Is there any additional payments to get Project Zero?

user profile

My next batch of questions:

When can I get updated about the next "Ask Amazon Summer Series" I only found out about this right now on the last day.

Am I able to get Prject Zero in advance? It says I need to use the report violation once to apply for this. Is there any way I can apply for this in advance to avoid potential infringements in the future?

What is the specific link for the report a violation tool? Is there a specific email we can use to directly write to the team responsible for the report a violation tool?

There have been talks in other social groups where most time the report a violation tool is not that useful because even with proof, amazon allows other sellers to freely copy someone else's images. Has this been changed over the last few months? Has Amazon been more strict in disallowing sellers that copy images or an imitation of a product?

user profile

My next batch of questions:

When can I get updated about the next "Ask Amazon Summer Series" I only found out about this right now on the last day.

Am I able to get Prject Zero in advance? It says I need to use the report violation once to apply for this. Is there any way I can apply for this in advance to avoid potential infringements in the future?

What is the specific link for the report a violation tool? Is there a specific email we can use to directly write to the team responsible for the report a violation tool?

There have been talks in other social groups where most time the report a violation tool is not that useful because even with proof, amazon allows other sellers to freely copy someone else's images. Has this been changed over the last few months? Has Amazon been more strict in disallowing sellers that copy images or an imitation of a product?

user profile

If we have other questions regarding this, where can we direct them? Most times the support channel in the get help section isn't helpful unfortunately... with generic replies.

When is your next Ask Amazon Series too? Would you be able to tag me there?

user profile

If we have other questions regarding this, where can we direct them? Most times the support channel in the get help section isn't helpful unfortunately... with generic replies.

When is your next Ask Amazon Series too? Would you be able to tag me there?

user profile

So if a seller or sellers are seling gold plated brass, but listing it as 14K gold - (committing fraud), which category would you use to report that?

I have messaging from the sellers, not from this country, that none of their items are really gold like the detail pages say. I have test orders, none of the items are stamped 14K like the detail pages say.

When we report this the bot says no violation. So what would be the correct category to report this in? I even quote and link the amazon policy when submitting the complaints, but according to the bots, violating amazon policy is not a violation of Amazon policies.

user profile

So if a seller or sellers are seling gold plated brass, but listing it as 14K gold - (committing fraud), which category would you use to report that?

I have messaging from the sellers, not from this country, that none of their items are really gold like the detail pages say. I have test orders, none of the items are stamped 14K like the detail pages say.

When we report this the bot says no violation. So what would be the correct category to report this in? I even quote and link the amazon policy when submitting the complaints, but according to the bots, violating amazon policy is not a violation of Amazon policies.

user profile



Case ID: 15460819891

My application for brand filing was rejected. I have submitted several applications, but I have not received any response since June 20. I closed the appeal case yesterday and submitted another appeal again. I don't know when I'll hear back. I am afraid that I will continue to wait for a long time. Could you please help me contact the brand filing team to reply me as soon as possible? Thank you very much!

Best regards


user profile



Case ID: 15460819891

My application for brand filing was rejected. I have submitted several applications, but I have not received any response since June 20. I closed the appeal case yesterday and submitted another appeal again. I don't know when I'll hear back. I am afraid that I will continue to wait for a long time. Could you please help me contact the brand filing team to reply me as soon as possible? Thank you very much!

Best regards


user profile


My team and I found a product from our physical store that started to gain attraction in our Amazon sales as well. After a few weeks of positive sales, we noticed a dip and I started to investigate. I found a listing for a 2-pack of the item that was created by another seller for a much lower price than simply buying two of ours. That's obviously just good business from the other seller, so I tried to create a variation of our own to capitalize on this new avenue.

Our product is a branded item that we receive from our vendors to stock in our physical store, but this new 2-pack is labeled as a generic item. Because of the generic posting, we were unable to list it initially. My research has told me that this is in violation of Amazon’s Generic Item policy, but because I am not a direct IP rights holder, I don't see any avenue to address this issue.

We were approved to list the 2-pack generic item, but I am weary to go through with that as I believe that this product violates the policy and don't want to be associated with any issues that could arise.

We were told that the ASIN has been found to NOT violate the policy and we would be fine to list the product without fear of repercussions. My overall question is whether I am misunderstanding the policy and can simply move forward with listing the ASIN, or if I should work to receive a Letter of Authorization?

For reference of actual products and AISN's, my earlier Support ID is 15726335121.

user profile


My team and I found a product from our physical store that started to gain attraction in our Amazon sales as well. After a few weeks of positive sales, we noticed a dip and I started to investigate. I found a listing for a 2-pack of the item that was created by another seller for a much lower price than simply buying two of ours. That's obviously just good business from the other seller, so I tried to create a variation of our own to capitalize on this new avenue.

Our product is a branded item that we receive from our vendors to stock in our physical store, but this new 2-pack is labeled as a generic item. Because of the generic posting, we were unable to list it initially. My research has told me that this is in violation of Amazon’s Generic Item policy, but because I am not a direct IP rights holder, I don't see any avenue to address this issue.

We were approved to list the 2-pack generic item, but I am weary to go through with that as I believe that this product violates the policy and don't want to be associated with any issues that could arise.

We were told that the ASIN has been found to NOT violate the policy and we would be fine to list the product without fear of repercussions. My overall question is whether I am misunderstanding the policy and can simply move forward with listing the ASIN, or if I should work to receive a Letter of Authorization?

For reference of actual products and AISN's, my earlier Support ID is 15726335121.

user profile

Hello @Seller_Lu3bFSNnS57zM

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon Summer Series event. I wanted to mention you here regarding the questions you asked during our Enrollment and Eligibility event on day 1.

Question 1: Why does the Brand Registry Allow violations of the Transparency program?? Brands are enrolling into transparency but only printing the Transparency codes on bottle they sell on Amazon and not on the ones they sell everywhere else?

Answer for Q1: Questions about the Transparency programs are out of scope for this event since the topic is about Report a Violation and Project Zero. However, if you notice violations with the program please utilize the inquiry form to report or ask questions to the team !

Question 2: Why do you allow Trademark on Product complaints against Sellers in which a 3rd party Brand has filed? (Which means the violation was not filed by the Actual brand owner of the product being sold but by some 3rd company that claims ownership of a WORD on the Actual brand owners labeling)

Example: I am selling an Herb Pharm Product and Calmco (A different company entirely) filed a trademark in which NO SELLER is required to confirm the BRAND they sell is not violating trademarks.

CALMCO issue with the BRAND Herb Pharm and not SELLERs. Seller DO NOT PRINT or PRODUCE the product.

Answer to Q2: We are currently contacting partner teams to help answer your question here. Once we receive a reply we will notify you in this thread. Thank you for your patience.


user profile

Hello @Seller_Lu3bFSNnS57zM

Thank you for joining our Ask Amazon Summer Series event. I wanted to mention you here regarding the questions you asked during our Enrollment and Eligibility event on day 1.

Question 1: Why does the Brand Registry Allow violations of the Transparency program?? Brands are enrolling into transparency but only printing the Transparency codes on bottle they sell on Amazon and not on the ones they sell everywhere else?

Answer for Q1: Questions about the Transparency programs are out of scope for this event since the topic is about Report a Violation and Project Zero. However, if you notice violations with the program please utilize the inquiry form to report or ask questions to the team !

Question 2: Why do you allow Trademark on Product complaints against Sellers in which a 3rd party Brand has filed? (Which means the violation was not filed by the Actual brand owner of the product being sold but by some 3rd company that claims ownership of a WORD on the Actual brand owners labeling)

Example: I am selling an Herb Pharm Product and Calmco (A different company entirely) filed a trademark in which NO SELLER is required to confirm the BRAND they sell is not violating trademarks.

CALMCO issue with the BRAND Herb Pharm and not SELLERs. Seller DO NOT PRINT or PRODUCE the product.

Answer to Q2: We are currently contacting partner teams to help answer your question here. Once we receive a reply we will notify you in this thread. Thank you for your patience.


user profile

Why are there IP Violations issued against the names of cities? I got hit with it because of our manufacturing location being on the listing, but the place of manufacture is an important fact.

Then, I come to the forums for answers and find this is very common. The Trademark Act "prohibits registering trademarks that are primarily geographically descriptive of goods or services." Therefore, the word "Dublin" or "Orlando" in the context of a geographical location, and is primarily a geographic description, cannot legally be an IP Violation.

Is there a way to stop this from happening?

user profile

Why are there IP Violations issued against the names of cities? I got hit with it because of our manufacturing location being on the listing, but the place of manufacture is an important fact.

Then, I come to the forums for answers and find this is very common. The Trademark Act "prohibits registering trademarks that are primarily geographically descriptive of goods or services." Therefore, the word "Dublin" or "Orlando" in the context of a geographical location, and is primarily a geographic description, cannot legally be an IP Violation.

Is there a way to stop this from happening?

user profile

Why doesn't the report a violation work when it is not a brand registry issue? I am unable to open a case against a seller who is selling the wrong color variation on my listing. I've done a test purchase, but there is no place to upload photos. This is a custom color that was designed for my account, but is not my brand.

user profile

Why doesn't the report a violation work when it is not a brand registry issue? I am unable to open a case against a seller who is selling the wrong color variation on my listing. I've done a test purchase, but there is no place to upload photos. This is a custom color that was designed for my account, but is not my brand.


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