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Hear ye, hear ye!

The most wonderful time of the year is almost upon us, and Amazon is kicking it off in a big way with Prime Big Deal Days on October 8th and 9th!

This is your chance to get the holiday cheer started early, and emerge as the belle of the holiday shopping ball. This event is Amazon's big kickoff to the entire holiday shopping season, drawing in droves of Prime members on the hunt for unbeatable deals. As your customers look to get a head start on their gift-giving, Prime Big Deal Days is the perfect opportunity to capture their attention and boost your sales.

So how can you make the most out of this selling spectacular? Let's unwrap a few tips:

Deck Your Deals With Prime Exclusive Discounts:

Prime members are on the hunt for the best prices, so give them an early holiday gift with Prime Exclusive Discounts. When customers see that sweet, sweet discount displayed prominently, your products are the star of the show. Unsure how to create a Prime Exclusive Discount? Cozy up by the fire and watch this video!

Captivate with Coupons:

Who doesn't love a good coupon? Create some buzz with Amazon Coupons and watch the savings-hungry shoppers flock to your listings, so they can be the talk of the town!

Optimize and organize:

Make sure your product pages are dressed to the nines with enticing copy, dazzling images, and jolly keywords. That way, when the Prime Big Deal Days shoppers come a-calling, your products will be the first ones they see.

The clock is ticking, so get ready to bring home the holiday bacon, and read through more important details on Prime Exclusive Discount submissions on our recent News post.

Do you have any amazing holiday tips we missed in this post? Give the gift of your best advice to fellow sellers in the comments below!

Warmest regards,


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I dont have campaign manager. How do fix that?
by Seller_9nDqpsBhD96Ih
Amazon replied

Hey guys!! Please help. I just launched my 1st product and I cant even advertise it! I dont have campaign manager.... I dont know how to get that. Please help!

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Extremely untrue Vine Review.
by Seller_YO3gxaa9920cT

The vine reviewer did not give any supporting images, and gave a misleading and non-comprehensive review that is NOT true at all.

The review was 1 star stating.

"This thing has rounded sides, so it won't stay upright for freezing. It always falls over, and the water spills out of the mold. That makes this pretty useless, because it can't make ice."

Lets break down. Please read each and every word to understand my perspective.

1. "Rounded sides": The edges of sides are round not the sides themselves. The reviewer got the shape of the sides wrong. It rests at a base of 4.3 cm due to roundness of edges you can minus 1 cm. The base of 3.3 cm is flat. By the ways, shape and dimensions are verified by Amazon and no issues were reported regarding that. Lets exaggerate this to give reviewer benefit of doubt and say it is 2.3 cm flat, rest is curved, it still does not count as round side. Remember this is after exaggeration.

2. "won't stay upright and ALWAYS falls down": Always? Really? Speaking of physics, for a product of 80 g and dimensions 8.1*4.3*21.3cm, it should rested at an angle of more than 20 degrees to fall (tested myself). But let's even give reviewer some benefit of doubt here as well that because of rounded edges of sides it fell when it was rested on surface 10-15 degrees tilt (NOT true but lets for sake of argument assume its true). Who freezes mould at an angle of 10-15 degrees and not expecting spillage or product collapsing. Under flat surface it is impossible for product to fall down because with water, it weighs more than 80 g and center of gravity is lowered. Hence it is extremely unlikely that equilibrium is disturbed to the point it falls unless it is rested at an angle. Looks more like the issue with surface of the freezer where it is rested than the product itself.

I have tested this product myself, and this was something I never experienced. I really tried to understand the review by giving benefit of doubts, but still the review is extremely untrue.

Lastly I want to point out the fact the Vine review promises comprehensive and honest review. Neither it is comprehensive not honest.

Looks as if reviewer wanted to get the job done by writing 3 incorrect sentences because clearly it has been only 4 days since the order was shipped. Sorry for harsh tone, but I am investing my time and money to build this product from my hard earned investment. Kindy understand my frustration. I cannot describe how disappointed I am.

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resell product
by Seller_FwH7TzLoQEDX2
Amazon replied

hi sellers how can i find resale certificate in new jersey to buy product on wholesale to resell on amazon

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Buybox Eligibility, No featured offers available
by Seller_U2whYNaoLYlLS
Amazon replied

My account's matrix are 100% healthy but still my Buybox eligibility offer is No . Please help me to resolve my issue so I can sell the products. @Cooper_Amazon @Danika_Amazon @Jameson_Amazon @Michelle_Amazon @Danny_Amazon @Blake_Amazon @Quincy_Amazon @Dougal_Amazon @Rose_Amazon @Jim_Amazon @Glenn_Amazon. Please review my case ID16158924491

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Maintaining an updated product detail page with high-quality content can greatly enhance your chances of attracting clicks and increasing sales through advertising.

Although it may seem straightforward, the following tips are essential for ensuring a high-quality detail page:

  1. Create a strong product title: Titles that contain excessive information can overwhelm customers, while those that lack sufficient detail may fail to capture their interest. Titles should be both informative and easy to read.
  2. High quality, zoomable images. Include four or more high-quality images of your product, showcasing it from various angles and emphasizing key details and features. Additionally, demonstrate how the product can be used. Each image should be at least 1000 pixels in height or width to enable the zoom function, allowing shoppers to examine the product more closely.
  3. Clear and concise bullet points. Bullet points, much like product titles, should achieve a balance between being informative and concise. This is also an ideal opportunity to incorporate relevant keywords to enhance organic discoverability and improve the effectiveness of sponsored ad campaigns. Including keywords that you intend to bid on for advertisements can increase the visibility of your products to a broader audience.
  4. Helpful and detailed product descriptions. While bullet points and product titles should remain concise, your product description can serve as a narrative that highlights the product's story and its benefits to potential shoppers. Use complete sentences and ensure that grammar and spelling are meticulously checked to maintain professionalism and clarity. This section is an opportunity to engage your audience and effectively communicate the value of your product.
  5. Relevant search terms. You can enhance your product’s visibility by utilizing the generic keyword field when listing or editing an ASIN. While relevant keywords are crucial for individual campaigns, entering appropriate search terms in the generic keyword field also supports the organic discoverability of your product. Products with strong organic visibility typically experience improved performance in their advertising campaigns as well.
  6. Educational A+ content. This is available to advertisers who are enrolled in Brand Registry and can really help push a shopper who is just browsing, to actually purchasing. You can think of A+ Content as the store associate if your products were in a Brick & Mortar store. It is meant to tell a story about the product (and brand) while answering any potential questions a shopper might have.

Advertisers who applied at least one improvement recommendation for their product detail page saw a 29% increase in sales after one week, on average, when advertising with sponsored ads.*

* WW, 07/01/2022 to 12/31/2022. This is based on past data and does not guarantee future performance

Make sure to visit our complete guide for How to improve your products for advertising for case studies and more insight on this topic.

Best regards,


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Subscribe & Save Eligibiliity?
by Seller_0D3VGuKcH4QUw
Amazon replied

I've tried for many years to offer our products through Subscribe and Save. With new eligibility tool checker, I get an error "Offer isn’t suitable for Subscribe & Save as it is not replenishable. The product must be replenishable at least every 6 months."

We sell a reusable item, but it often times gets replenished by customers every six months or earlier. What's most frustrating is that when I bought a kitchen scale, Sold by Amazon, I was immediately offered it to be signed up for their Subscribe and Save. Who needs to replenish a kitchen scale every six months? I was told by Support essentially to stop asking questions about why a kitchen scale is eligible for Subscribe & Save. Is this a case where Amazon can put their own items, regardless of how often a person would ever replenish it, in Subscribe & Save while 3rd Party Sellers are subject to either a bot metric or someone within the company who doesn't understand how buyers think?

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Does advertising on Amazon work?
by Seller_KIc4xO400wXDb
Amazon replied

I've had several products listed on Amazon for past few years. A few of them have gotten a lot of attention and orders in the past few months. So I figured I would increase their visibility and growth by creating some ads on Amazon. I've spent about $3k in advertising since June and that only accounted for 3 orders total even though I am still selling just as many units as I was before starting ad campaign. Am I getting ripped off or are these customers somehow getting to me indirectly through the ads?

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[Moderator Edit: removed personal solicitations]
by Seller_T20RUj7Pry3ZL

[Moderator Edit: removed personal solicitations]

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Dear Amazon,

We have identified numerous fake reviews associated with ASIN B0D62JCV3T. Upon conducting a thorough review, we found multiple instances of misleading feedback linked to this specific product. We kindly urge you to thoroughly investigate this matter and take prompt corrective action.

Your swift attention to this issue is highly valued.

Product listing:

For your kind assistance, please @Seller_FJwyF3iu5qxUY

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Ratings System Question
by Seller_LTNvvFJ2jqJOv
Amazon replied


Can't say I am in love with the current ratings system.

Question: When I look at a rating and it is from a customer that left a comment, it says...

When I look at a rating without a comment it says...

How do I know that it is a verified purchase? If it is not a verified purchase am I allowed to ask for removal?
























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