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What do YOU want to see from the Community Managers this year?

Hello Sellers and Happy New Year!!

I would love to hear from you on what WE (Your Community Managers) can do this year to assist in your selling journey!

If you’re not familiar, aside from being around in the Forums everyday and Community Building, we facilitate Ask Amazon’s, Escalate issues when needed, Track common issues in posts, loop in the relevant partner teams and post tips, new guides, policy changes or product updates (just to name a few).

Please take a look at the Brand Registry Year in Review posted by @Sandy_Amazon last month. This post was a consolidated list of AMA’s and other popular threads from 2024!

We already have a long list of content and events planed for 2025, but want to hear directly from YOU so we can either move forward with that content or adjust it according to what you NEED or WANT from this Community.

Please respond on this Thread with comments, suggestions, or anything from 2024 that you want to see again in 2025.

Thank you for your participation and Happy Selling!

53 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores
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What do YOU want to see from the Community Managers this year?

Hello Sellers and Happy New Year!!

I would love to hear from you on what WE (Your Community Managers) can do this year to assist in your selling journey!

If you’re not familiar, aside from being around in the Forums everyday and Community Building, we facilitate Ask Amazon’s, Escalate issues when needed, Track common issues in posts, loop in the relevant partner teams and post tips, new guides, policy changes or product updates (just to name a few).

Please take a look at the Brand Registry Year in Review posted by @Sandy_Amazon last month. This post was a consolidated list of AMA’s and other popular threads from 2024!

We already have a long list of content and events planed for 2025, but want to hear directly from YOU so we can either move forward with that content or adjust it according to what you NEED or WANT from this Community.

Please respond on this Thread with comments, suggestions, or anything from 2024 that you want to see again in 2025.

Thank you for your participation and Happy Selling!

Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores
53 replies
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I would like to see community managers provide useful information we would not otherwise find in other areas.

Simple things that are allowed within the Amazon policy such as:

1. What country are contributions coming from

2. Clarification as to WHY something was declined rather than referencing a policy (Using logic to explain why something was declined or rejected, rather than requesting someone read a policy, can be done by anybody. But it would be nice to have this luxury with community managers.)

3. Answers from community managers that relate to experience. Community managers have tagged me in many posts...mentioning that I am the only person they know that has experience on the issue. (If this was done more frequently, the forums turn into valuable information based on experience...rather than a link to Seller University)

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Responding to posts that were answered by community members weeks ago, rather than responding to the desperate new posts where community member CANNOT a kick in the gut, every time...

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what you NEED or WANT
View post
  • Bookmarks
  • The ability to tag a thread/discussion to follow it.
  • The ability toggle posts to read posts linear to time line rather than just embedded.

There are more but we'll start with those.

Amazon is a 24/7 operation yet the mod forum presents is pretty much a 8am to 5pm Pacific Time Monday thru Friday thing. That means only 24% of the time is covered by mods to respond which leaves a lot of discussions without response. How can this be improved?

user profile
  • Actually reading our posts in full and not acting like Seller support by just posting a form letter.
  • When we post that we have exhausted all solutions with Seller support Don't just tell us to open a new case for the same issue.
  • Transparency. So many issues are BOT related that are triggered by keywords, yet we have no idea what those keywords are.
  • Amazon policy is we are guilty and we should know why, how about telling us what we did so we can actually address it.
user profile

Less gaslighting. Some mods are great. Some....not so much.

user profile

What a joke. This is the only place sellers can get help with the ever over-complication of the selling process and dealing with an ever growing list of problems. If Amazon truly values it's third party sellers (and I'm pretty sure they no longer do by their actions) Amazon would provide some kind of support (phone, or messaging). Instead, us sellers are forced to post our issues here in the forums praying that we get seen and not swept under the rug. Sellers are constantly trying to protect themselves from Amazon bots and foreign phone reps, who do not understand THEIR OWN POLICIES. If Amazon was smart, they would see this as a win-win-win for themselves, sellers, and buyers.

user profile

Wow. Where to start?

* When we ask you to explain the sense of a stupid policy and its stupid ramifications (e.g. ODTR, which leads some sellers to hold shipments in order to meet a metric dealing with some other party's speed of service), don't simply parrot the stupid policy back to us.

* Ditto on the gaslighting. Don't tell me that the very thing I have personally experienced is unpossible.

* Don't pretend that "simply contact customer support to get your answer" is simple or effective.

* A little less Kool-Aid. When your employer does something that's boneheaded or evil, don't start with the presumption that Amazon is awesome and everything is perfect, so the flaw must be with the seller. "It's not us, it's you."

* While people will abuse Moderator requests (because domestic phone support, then jeff@, then carppy international support have all disappeared or gone to the dogs), for the most part, the few sellers still on this vastly inferior new forum software are pretty savvy. Don't start your response with "here is the documentation which we'll just presume you haven't read" when the seller is objecting to some new amazon shenanigans.

* Stop valuing my time at $0. Stop forcing us to deal with systemic problem individually and/or onsey-twosey. When we identify a problem that costs us $.17/transaction, don't make us spend an hour getting $.17, but rather fix the problem which costs sellers billion$ in aggregate. This tendency coupled with the class action clause in our agreement makes it seem like you are killing us with 1000 paper cuts on purpose, wherever it's profitable for Amazon.

Mostly, I'm interested in information, and routing around whatever evil or broken or newly-ignored Amazon policy has been dumped on my head in the current week. The last thing I need is a cheerleader. The lack of critical thinking about your employer makes it harder to get answers, in an environment where that's often otherwise impossible.

user profile


Community Managers need to talk to management stop hiding replies.

If we have to use the Forums as Seller Support which we pay for as amazon Customers then we need to answers quickly to our issues.

Sellers by the way and customers do not want cut and paste answers nor AI.

Example tried to get help yesterday and got 50 replies and could not get one human.

MY Biggest complaint is that MOD and Managers need to correct the formatting on the forums and show replies. What is the point of hiding information when we come to the forums to discuss and get information?

I would like Community Managers have posts about how to improve the seller experience with the dashboard and communications. Dashboard is headache inducing. Literally 100 places where you have to navigate, and its vey messy

user profile

Removing OTDR metric that counts the carriers issues against you.

user profile

Honestly, the new "Get Help" workflow I think was so poorly engineered (maybe anecdotal but it's difficult to often get the tool to properly categorize an issue now compared to the old support tree) and many of the base-level Seller Support reps have such a difficult time in understanding issues. Continued, timely replies to our requests for help here are greatly appreciated during times that are otherwise immensely stressful.

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What do YOU want to see from the Community Managers this year?

Hello Sellers and Happy New Year!!

I would love to hear from you on what WE (Your Community Managers) can do this year to assist in your selling journey!

If you’re not familiar, aside from being around in the Forums everyday and Community Building, we facilitate Ask Amazon’s, Escalate issues when needed, Track common issues in posts, loop in the relevant partner teams and post tips, new guides, policy changes or product updates (just to name a few).

Please take a look at the Brand Registry Year in Review posted by @Sandy_Amazon last month. This post was a consolidated list of AMA’s and other popular threads from 2024!

We already have a long list of content and events planed for 2025, but want to hear directly from YOU so we can either move forward with that content or adjust it according to what you NEED or WANT from this Community.

Please respond on this Thread with comments, suggestions, or anything from 2024 that you want to see again in 2025.

Thank you for your participation and Happy Selling!

53 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores
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What do YOU want to see from the Community Managers this year?

Hello Sellers and Happy New Year!!

I would love to hear from you on what WE (Your Community Managers) can do this year to assist in your selling journey!

If you’re not familiar, aside from being around in the Forums everyday and Community Building, we facilitate Ask Amazon’s, Escalate issues when needed, Track common issues in posts, loop in the relevant partner teams and post tips, new guides, policy changes or product updates (just to name a few).

Please take a look at the Brand Registry Year in Review posted by @Sandy_Amazon last month. This post was a consolidated list of AMA’s and other popular threads from 2024!

We already have a long list of content and events planed for 2025, but want to hear directly from YOU so we can either move forward with that content or adjust it according to what you NEED or WANT from this Community.

Please respond on this Thread with comments, suggestions, or anything from 2024 that you want to see again in 2025.

Thank you for your participation and Happy Selling!

Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores
53 replies
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What do YOU want to see from the Community Managers this year?

by Dougal_Amazon

Hello Sellers and Happy New Year!!

I would love to hear from you on what WE (Your Community Managers) can do this year to assist in your selling journey!

If you’re not familiar, aside from being around in the Forums everyday and Community Building, we facilitate Ask Amazon’s, Escalate issues when needed, Track common issues in posts, loop in the relevant partner teams and post tips, new guides, policy changes or product updates (just to name a few).

Please take a look at the Brand Registry Year in Review posted by @Sandy_Amazon last month. This post was a consolidated list of AMA’s and other popular threads from 2024!

We already have a long list of content and events planed for 2025, but want to hear directly from YOU so we can either move forward with that content or adjust it according to what you NEED or WANT from this Community.

Please respond on this Thread with comments, suggestions, or anything from 2024 that you want to see again in 2025.

Thank you for your participation and Happy Selling!

Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores
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I would like to see community managers provide useful information we would not otherwise find in other areas.

Simple things that are allowed within the Amazon policy such as:

1. What country are contributions coming from

2. Clarification as to WHY something was declined rather than referencing a policy (Using logic to explain why something was declined or rejected, rather than requesting someone read a policy, can be done by anybody. But it would be nice to have this luxury with community managers.)

3. Answers from community managers that relate to experience. Community managers have tagged me in many posts...mentioning that I am the only person they know that has experience on the issue. (If this was done more frequently, the forums turn into valuable information based on experience...rather than a link to Seller University)

user profile

Responding to posts that were answered by community members weeks ago, rather than responding to the desperate new posts where community member CANNOT a kick in the gut, every time...

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what you NEED or WANT
View post
  • Bookmarks
  • The ability to tag a thread/discussion to follow it.
  • The ability toggle posts to read posts linear to time line rather than just embedded.

There are more but we'll start with those.

Amazon is a 24/7 operation yet the mod forum presents is pretty much a 8am to 5pm Pacific Time Monday thru Friday thing. That means only 24% of the time is covered by mods to respond which leaves a lot of discussions without response. How can this be improved?

user profile
  • Actually reading our posts in full and not acting like Seller support by just posting a form letter.
  • When we post that we have exhausted all solutions with Seller support Don't just tell us to open a new case for the same issue.
  • Transparency. So many issues are BOT related that are triggered by keywords, yet we have no idea what those keywords are.
  • Amazon policy is we are guilty and we should know why, how about telling us what we did so we can actually address it.
user profile

Less gaslighting. Some mods are great. Some....not so much.

user profile

What a joke. This is the only place sellers can get help with the ever over-complication of the selling process and dealing with an ever growing list of problems. If Amazon truly values it's third party sellers (and I'm pretty sure they no longer do by their actions) Amazon would provide some kind of support (phone, or messaging). Instead, us sellers are forced to post our issues here in the forums praying that we get seen and not swept under the rug. Sellers are constantly trying to protect themselves from Amazon bots and foreign phone reps, who do not understand THEIR OWN POLICIES. If Amazon was smart, they would see this as a win-win-win for themselves, sellers, and buyers.

user profile

Wow. Where to start?

* When we ask you to explain the sense of a stupid policy and its stupid ramifications (e.g. ODTR, which leads some sellers to hold shipments in order to meet a metric dealing with some other party's speed of service), don't simply parrot the stupid policy back to us.

* Ditto on the gaslighting. Don't tell me that the very thing I have personally experienced is unpossible.

* Don't pretend that "simply contact customer support to get your answer" is simple or effective.

* A little less Kool-Aid. When your employer does something that's boneheaded or evil, don't start with the presumption that Amazon is awesome and everything is perfect, so the flaw must be with the seller. "It's not us, it's you."

* While people will abuse Moderator requests (because domestic phone support, then jeff@, then carppy international support have all disappeared or gone to the dogs), for the most part, the few sellers still on this vastly inferior new forum software are pretty savvy. Don't start your response with "here is the documentation which we'll just presume you haven't read" when the seller is objecting to some new amazon shenanigans.

* Stop valuing my time at $0. Stop forcing us to deal with systemic problem individually and/or onsey-twosey. When we identify a problem that costs us $.17/transaction, don't make us spend an hour getting $.17, but rather fix the problem which costs sellers billion$ in aggregate. This tendency coupled with the class action clause in our agreement makes it seem like you are killing us with 1000 paper cuts on purpose, wherever it's profitable for Amazon.

Mostly, I'm interested in information, and routing around whatever evil or broken or newly-ignored Amazon policy has been dumped on my head in the current week. The last thing I need is a cheerleader. The lack of critical thinking about your employer makes it harder to get answers, in an environment where that's often otherwise impossible.

user profile


Community Managers need to talk to management stop hiding replies.

If we have to use the Forums as Seller Support which we pay for as amazon Customers then we need to answers quickly to our issues.

Sellers by the way and customers do not want cut and paste answers nor AI.

Example tried to get help yesterday and got 50 replies and could not get one human.

MY Biggest complaint is that MOD and Managers need to correct the formatting on the forums and show replies. What is the point of hiding information when we come to the forums to discuss and get information?

I would like Community Managers have posts about how to improve the seller experience with the dashboard and communications. Dashboard is headache inducing. Literally 100 places where you have to navigate, and its vey messy

user profile

Removing OTDR metric that counts the carriers issues against you.

user profile

Honestly, the new "Get Help" workflow I think was so poorly engineered (maybe anecdotal but it's difficult to often get the tool to properly categorize an issue now compared to the old support tree) and many of the base-level Seller Support reps have such a difficult time in understanding issues. Continued, timely replies to our requests for help here are greatly appreciated during times that are otherwise immensely stressful.

user profile

I would like to see community managers provide useful information we would not otherwise find in other areas.

Simple things that are allowed within the Amazon policy such as:

1. What country are contributions coming from

2. Clarification as to WHY something was declined rather than referencing a policy (Using logic to explain why something was declined or rejected, rather than requesting someone read a policy, can be done by anybody. But it would be nice to have this luxury with community managers.)

3. Answers from community managers that relate to experience. Community managers have tagged me in many posts...mentioning that I am the only person they know that has experience on the issue. (If this was done more frequently, the forums turn into valuable information based on experience...rather than a link to Seller University)

user profile

I would like to see community managers provide useful information we would not otherwise find in other areas.

Simple things that are allowed within the Amazon policy such as:

1. What country are contributions coming from

2. Clarification as to WHY something was declined rather than referencing a policy (Using logic to explain why something was declined or rejected, rather than requesting someone read a policy, can be done by anybody. But it would be nice to have this luxury with community managers.)

3. Answers from community managers that relate to experience. Community managers have tagged me in many posts...mentioning that I am the only person they know that has experience on the issue. (If this was done more frequently, the forums turn into valuable information based on experience...rather than a link to Seller University)

user profile

Responding to posts that were answered by community members weeks ago, rather than responding to the desperate new posts where community member CANNOT a kick in the gut, every time...

user profile

Responding to posts that were answered by community members weeks ago, rather than responding to the desperate new posts where community member CANNOT a kick in the gut, every time...

user profile

user profile
what you NEED or WANT
View post
  • Bookmarks
  • The ability to tag a thread/discussion to follow it.
  • The ability toggle posts to read posts linear to time line rather than just embedded.

There are more but we'll start with those.

Amazon is a 24/7 operation yet the mod forum presents is pretty much a 8am to 5pm Pacific Time Monday thru Friday thing. That means only 24% of the time is covered by mods to respond which leaves a lot of discussions without response. How can this be improved?

user profile

user profile
what you NEED or WANT
View post
  • Bookmarks
  • The ability to tag a thread/discussion to follow it.
  • The ability toggle posts to read posts linear to time line rather than just embedded.

There are more but we'll start with those.

Amazon is a 24/7 operation yet the mod forum presents is pretty much a 8am to 5pm Pacific Time Monday thru Friday thing. That means only 24% of the time is covered by mods to respond which leaves a lot of discussions without response. How can this be improved?

user profile
  • Actually reading our posts in full and not acting like Seller support by just posting a form letter.
  • When we post that we have exhausted all solutions with Seller support Don't just tell us to open a new case for the same issue.
  • Transparency. So many issues are BOT related that are triggered by keywords, yet we have no idea what those keywords are.
  • Amazon policy is we are guilty and we should know why, how about telling us what we did so we can actually address it.
user profile
  • Actually reading our posts in full and not acting like Seller support by just posting a form letter.
  • When we post that we have exhausted all solutions with Seller support Don't just tell us to open a new case for the same issue.
  • Transparency. So many issues are BOT related that are triggered by keywords, yet we have no idea what those keywords are.
  • Amazon policy is we are guilty and we should know why, how about telling us what we did so we can actually address it.
user profile

Less gaslighting. Some mods are great. Some....not so much.

user profile

Less gaslighting. Some mods are great. Some....not so much.

user profile

What a joke. This is the only place sellers can get help with the ever over-complication of the selling process and dealing with an ever growing list of problems. If Amazon truly values it's third party sellers (and I'm pretty sure they no longer do by their actions) Amazon would provide some kind of support (phone, or messaging). Instead, us sellers are forced to post our issues here in the forums praying that we get seen and not swept under the rug. Sellers are constantly trying to protect themselves from Amazon bots and foreign phone reps, who do not understand THEIR OWN POLICIES. If Amazon was smart, they would see this as a win-win-win for themselves, sellers, and buyers.

user profile

What a joke. This is the only place sellers can get help with the ever over-complication of the selling process and dealing with an ever growing list of problems. If Amazon truly values it's third party sellers (and I'm pretty sure they no longer do by their actions) Amazon would provide some kind of support (phone, or messaging). Instead, us sellers are forced to post our issues here in the forums praying that we get seen and not swept under the rug. Sellers are constantly trying to protect themselves from Amazon bots and foreign phone reps, who do not understand THEIR OWN POLICIES. If Amazon was smart, they would see this as a win-win-win for themselves, sellers, and buyers.

user profile

Wow. Where to start?

* When we ask you to explain the sense of a stupid policy and its stupid ramifications (e.g. ODTR, which leads some sellers to hold shipments in order to meet a metric dealing with some other party's speed of service), don't simply parrot the stupid policy back to us.

* Ditto on the gaslighting. Don't tell me that the very thing I have personally experienced is unpossible.

* Don't pretend that "simply contact customer support to get your answer" is simple or effective.

* A little less Kool-Aid. When your employer does something that's boneheaded or evil, don't start with the presumption that Amazon is awesome and everything is perfect, so the flaw must be with the seller. "It's not us, it's you."

* While people will abuse Moderator requests (because domestic phone support, then jeff@, then carppy international support have all disappeared or gone to the dogs), for the most part, the few sellers still on this vastly inferior new forum software are pretty savvy. Don't start your response with "here is the documentation which we'll just presume you haven't read" when the seller is objecting to some new amazon shenanigans.

* Stop valuing my time at $0. Stop forcing us to deal with systemic problem individually and/or onsey-twosey. When we identify a problem that costs us $.17/transaction, don't make us spend an hour getting $.17, but rather fix the problem which costs sellers billion$ in aggregate. This tendency coupled with the class action clause in our agreement makes it seem like you are killing us with 1000 paper cuts on purpose, wherever it's profitable for Amazon.

Mostly, I'm interested in information, and routing around whatever evil or broken or newly-ignored Amazon policy has been dumped on my head in the current week. The last thing I need is a cheerleader. The lack of critical thinking about your employer makes it harder to get answers, in an environment where that's often otherwise impossible.

user profile

Wow. Where to start?

* When we ask you to explain the sense of a stupid policy and its stupid ramifications (e.g. ODTR, which leads some sellers to hold shipments in order to meet a metric dealing with some other party's speed of service), don't simply parrot the stupid policy back to us.

* Ditto on the gaslighting. Don't tell me that the very thing I have personally experienced is unpossible.

* Don't pretend that "simply contact customer support to get your answer" is simple or effective.

* A little less Kool-Aid. When your employer does something that's boneheaded or evil, don't start with the presumption that Amazon is awesome and everything is perfect, so the flaw must be with the seller. "It's not us, it's you."

* While people will abuse Moderator requests (because domestic phone support, then jeff@, then carppy international support have all disappeared or gone to the dogs), for the most part, the few sellers still on this vastly inferior new forum software are pretty savvy. Don't start your response with "here is the documentation which we'll just presume you haven't read" when the seller is objecting to some new amazon shenanigans.

* Stop valuing my time at $0. Stop forcing us to deal with systemic problem individually and/or onsey-twosey. When we identify a problem that costs us $.17/transaction, don't make us spend an hour getting $.17, but rather fix the problem which costs sellers billion$ in aggregate. This tendency coupled with the class action clause in our agreement makes it seem like you are killing us with 1000 paper cuts on purpose, wherever it's profitable for Amazon.

Mostly, I'm interested in information, and routing around whatever evil or broken or newly-ignored Amazon policy has been dumped on my head in the current week. The last thing I need is a cheerleader. The lack of critical thinking about your employer makes it harder to get answers, in an environment where that's often otherwise impossible.

user profile


Community Managers need to talk to management stop hiding replies.

If we have to use the Forums as Seller Support which we pay for as amazon Customers then we need to answers quickly to our issues.

Sellers by the way and customers do not want cut and paste answers nor AI.

Example tried to get help yesterday and got 50 replies and could not get one human.

MY Biggest complaint is that MOD and Managers need to correct the formatting on the forums and show replies. What is the point of hiding information when we come to the forums to discuss and get information?

I would like Community Managers have posts about how to improve the seller experience with the dashboard and communications. Dashboard is headache inducing. Literally 100 places where you have to navigate, and its vey messy

user profile


Community Managers need to talk to management stop hiding replies.

If we have to use the Forums as Seller Support which we pay for as amazon Customers then we need to answers quickly to our issues.

Sellers by the way and customers do not want cut and paste answers nor AI.

Example tried to get help yesterday and got 50 replies and could not get one human.

MY Biggest complaint is that MOD and Managers need to correct the formatting on the forums and show replies. What is the point of hiding information when we come to the forums to discuss and get information?

I would like Community Managers have posts about how to improve the seller experience with the dashboard and communications. Dashboard is headache inducing. Literally 100 places where you have to navigate, and its vey messy

user profile

Removing OTDR metric that counts the carriers issues against you.

user profile

Removing OTDR metric that counts the carriers issues against you.

user profile

Honestly, the new "Get Help" workflow I think was so poorly engineered (maybe anecdotal but it's difficult to often get the tool to properly categorize an issue now compared to the old support tree) and many of the base-level Seller Support reps have such a difficult time in understanding issues. Continued, timely replies to our requests for help here are greatly appreciated during times that are otherwise immensely stressful.

user profile

Honestly, the new "Get Help" workflow I think was so poorly engineered (maybe anecdotal but it's difficult to often get the tool to properly categorize an issue now compared to the old support tree) and many of the base-level Seller Support reps have such a difficult time in understanding issues. Continued, timely replies to our requests for help here are greatly appreciated during times that are otherwise immensely stressful.


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