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Sending products to FBA warehouse

I have a few different products I want to ship into the warehouse for FBA. Do I need to send each of them separately with their own box/label, or can I ship multiple different products at the same time to reduce hassle/shipping costs?

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Tags:FBA, Warehouse
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Sending products to FBA warehouse

I have a few different products I want to ship into the warehouse for FBA. Do I need to send each of them separately with their own box/label, or can I ship multiple different products at the same time to reduce hassle/shipping costs?

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Tags:FBA, Warehouse
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Either way will work but sending them separate should yield less mistakes when it arrives.

As a second thought, are you selling the product right now using FBM? It is always best to sell FBM for at least a month first. That way you will know the salability of the product and how much profit you can expect to earn. Then decide if there is enough profit in the product to py all the fees Amazon will deduct and still have something left over for yourself. Then hold back another month's worth to keep selling while the product is being sorted out at FBA.

Remember, your business runs on profit and Amazon is going to extract as much of it as they can get.

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Hi there @Seller_jbQHmKkGYP92p

My name is CR and wanted to hop in here quickly. As mentioned by follow community member @Seller_CW0P5hgbsiqWXabove, sending separately would be the best option here to ensure receiving goes as smooth as possible. I also dropped a couple of links below as well for your review:


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Sending products to FBA warehouse

I have a few different products I want to ship into the warehouse for FBA. Do I need to send each of them separately with their own box/label, or can I ship multiple different products at the same time to reduce hassle/shipping costs?

2 replies
Tags:FBA, Warehouse
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Sending products to FBA warehouse

I have a few different products I want to ship into the warehouse for FBA. Do I need to send each of them separately with their own box/label, or can I ship multiple different products at the same time to reduce hassle/shipping costs?

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Tags:FBA, Warehouse
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Sending products to FBA warehouse

by Seller_jbQHmKkGYP92p

I have a few different products I want to ship into the warehouse for FBA. Do I need to send each of them separately with their own box/label, or can I ship multiple different products at the same time to reduce hassle/shipping costs?

Tags:FBA, Warehouse
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Either way will work but sending them separate should yield less mistakes when it arrives.

As a second thought, are you selling the product right now using FBM? It is always best to sell FBM for at least a month first. That way you will know the salability of the product and how much profit you can expect to earn. Then decide if there is enough profit in the product to py all the fees Amazon will deduct and still have something left over for yourself. Then hold back another month's worth to keep selling while the product is being sorted out at FBA.

Remember, your business runs on profit and Amazon is going to extract as much of it as they can get.

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Hi there @Seller_jbQHmKkGYP92p

My name is CR and wanted to hop in here quickly. As mentioned by follow community member @Seller_CW0P5hgbsiqWXabove, sending separately would be the best option here to ensure receiving goes as smooth as possible. I also dropped a couple of links below as well for your review:


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Either way will work but sending them separate should yield less mistakes when it arrives.

As a second thought, are you selling the product right now using FBM? It is always best to sell FBM for at least a month first. That way you will know the salability of the product and how much profit you can expect to earn. Then decide if there is enough profit in the product to py all the fees Amazon will deduct and still have something left over for yourself. Then hold back another month's worth to keep selling while the product is being sorted out at FBA.

Remember, your business runs on profit and Amazon is going to extract as much of it as they can get.

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Either way will work but sending them separate should yield less mistakes when it arrives.

As a second thought, are you selling the product right now using FBM? It is always best to sell FBM for at least a month first. That way you will know the salability of the product and how much profit you can expect to earn. Then decide if there is enough profit in the product to py all the fees Amazon will deduct and still have something left over for yourself. Then hold back another month's worth to keep selling while the product is being sorted out at FBA.

Remember, your business runs on profit and Amazon is going to extract as much of it as they can get.

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Hi there @Seller_jbQHmKkGYP92p

My name is CR and wanted to hop in here quickly. As mentioned by follow community member @Seller_CW0P5hgbsiqWXabove, sending separately would be the best option here to ensure receiving goes as smooth as possible. I also dropped a couple of links below as well for your review:


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Hi there @Seller_jbQHmKkGYP92p

My name is CR and wanted to hop in here quickly. As mentioned by follow community member @Seller_CW0P5hgbsiqWXabove, sending separately would be the best option here to ensure receiving goes as smooth as possible. I also dropped a couple of links below as well for your review:


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