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Hi all, Amazon restricted some of my listings saying that they are children jewelry but none of my products are children jewelry?? I don't understand why they flag some of my products as children jewelry and then they restrict them. I appealed many times but unfortunately it didn't work. I have same earrings with several color variations, absurdly Amazon restricted some them but some are still active??? Really can't understand what is going on... Please someone help me with fixing this issue!

10 replies
Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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Greetings LA_VINIA,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the Seller Forums. I would be happy to investigate this issue further.

Could you please provide the relevant Case ID with Seller Support, where they rejected your appeal regarding your compliance documents?

Getting that information from you would allow me to begin a thorough investigation into the matter. I look forward to receiving those details from you soon, so I can start digging into this and try to resolve the issue.

The forums community and I are committed to assisting you. Feel free to share how we can support you moving forward.

I wish you all the best,


user profile

Hello @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you so much for your contact and for providing the case IDs so we could investigate your case further.

I can understand how frustrating this situation must be for you. It's really concerning when Amazon restricts some of your listings without a clear explanation, especially when you've appealed the decisions multiple times.

I would encourage you to take a very close look at the listings that have been restricted and try to identify any language, imagery, or other details that could potentially be interpreted as marketing the items towards children. Even something as simple as using words like "girls" or "boys" in the title or description could trigger Amazon's systems to flag the item as children's jewelry, even if that wasn't your intent.

My advice would be to thoroughly review all of your active listings, as well as any that have been restricted, and remove or revise any content that could be seen as targeting a juvenile audience. This might include changing titles, descriptions, keywords, and even the product images themselves.

I know it's frustrating to have to jump through hoops like this, but Amazon's policies around children's products are quite strict, and they tend to be very cautious when it comes to these types of products. By being extra diligent in ensuring your listings are 100% focused on adult customers, you'll be in a much stronger position to get the restrictions lifted.

Visit the page Children's jewelry for more information.

I sincerely hope you're able to get this resolved soon. Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'm happy to provide any additional guidance or support I can.



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In reply to: Roxy_Amazon's post

Hi Roxy, the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...

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Hello dear @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you for your message and I am here to help you with everything I can.

user profile
the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...
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I understand your frustration with the inconsistent restrictions on your product variations. The fact that all your product variations have the same descriptions, keywords, etc. suggests the issue is not with the content of your listings.

Rather, it seems Amazon is inconsistently flagging some color variations as potentially children's products while leaving others unrestricted. This can happen due to factors like:

  • If the images for certain color variations use fonts, graphics, or models that appear more "childlike", those may get flagged even if the descriptions are identical.
  • Some product categories (e.g. jewelry, accessories) are examined more heavily for potential children's products, so some variants may get caught up in that even if others don't.
  • If Amazon sees negative reviews calling out certain variants as inappropriate for adults, that could trigger restrictions.

So the inconsistency is likely due to the complex and subjective way Amazon evaluates products for potential suitability for children. The fact that your listings are fundamentally the same suggests the issue is with Amazon's review process, not anything you've done wrong. Thoroughly reviewing and optimizing your listings is still good advice, but the inconsistencies you're seeing are understandable given the complexities involved.

Know we are always here for you! Please let us know if you need anything else and we are happy to help!

I wish you all the best,


user profile

We are having the same issue and 32 of our listings are flagged as children jewelry when they clearly aren't. We sell women's engagement rings and need help in getting this fixed ASAP.

Case ID - 16019506151, 16019609941, 16019609921, 16019506781,16019609911, 16019609901, 16019609891, 16019609881, 16019609871, 16019616281 , 16019609861, 16019616271, 16019613921, 16019609851, 16019613911, 16019613901, 16019613881, 16019613871 , 16019613861, 16019613061, 16019613051, 16019611011, 16019611001, 16019481701, 16018321281,

If you need the ASIN's I have that also.

user profile


We are currently facing issues related to Amazon's compliance requirements for our Children's Jewelry products. Several of our listings were deactivated after being flagged as Children's Jewelry. We promptly submitted all the necessary documents, including test reports and images, for review. However, it has now been over two weeks, and the listings remain inactive, with the documents still under review.

Could you please expedite the review process, or consider reactivating our listings while the documents are being evaluated? We are concerned that if the review takes longer, there is a risk Amazon might remove our inventory for those ASINs.

Case IDs: 16032905551, 16003116151, 15982840971

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Hi all, Amazon restricted some of my listings saying that they are children jewelry but none of my products are children jewelry?? I don't understand why they flag some of my products as children jewelry and then they restrict them. I appealed many times but unfortunately it didn't work. I have same earrings with several color variations, absurdly Amazon restricted some them but some are still active??? Really can't understand what is going on... Please someone help me with fixing this issue!

10 replies
Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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by Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N

Hi all, Amazon restricted some of my listings saying that they are children jewelry but none of my products are children jewelry?? I don't understand why they flag some of my products as children jewelry and then they restrict them. I appealed many times but unfortunately it didn't work. I have same earrings with several color variations, absurdly Amazon restricted some them but some are still active??? Really can't understand what is going on... Please someone help me with fixing this issue!

Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
10 replies
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Greetings LA_VINIA,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the Seller Forums. I would be happy to investigate this issue further.

Could you please provide the relevant Case ID with Seller Support, where they rejected your appeal regarding your compliance documents?

Getting that information from you would allow me to begin a thorough investigation into the matter. I look forward to receiving those details from you soon, so I can start digging into this and try to resolve the issue.

The forums community and I are committed to assisting you. Feel free to share how we can support you moving forward.

I wish you all the best,


user profile

Hello @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you so much for your contact and for providing the case IDs so we could investigate your case further.

I can understand how frustrating this situation must be for you. It's really concerning when Amazon restricts some of your listings without a clear explanation, especially when you've appealed the decisions multiple times.

I would encourage you to take a very close look at the listings that have been restricted and try to identify any language, imagery, or other details that could potentially be interpreted as marketing the items towards children. Even something as simple as using words like "girls" or "boys" in the title or description could trigger Amazon's systems to flag the item as children's jewelry, even if that wasn't your intent.

My advice would be to thoroughly review all of your active listings, as well as any that have been restricted, and remove or revise any content that could be seen as targeting a juvenile audience. This might include changing titles, descriptions, keywords, and even the product images themselves.

I know it's frustrating to have to jump through hoops like this, but Amazon's policies around children's products are quite strict, and they tend to be very cautious when it comes to these types of products. By being extra diligent in ensuring your listings are 100% focused on adult customers, you'll be in a much stronger position to get the restrictions lifted.

Visit the page Children's jewelry for more information.

I sincerely hope you're able to get this resolved soon. Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'm happy to provide any additional guidance or support I can.



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In reply to: Roxy_Amazon's post

Hi Roxy, the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...

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Hello dear @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you for your message and I am here to help you with everything I can.

user profile
the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...
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I understand your frustration with the inconsistent restrictions on your product variations. The fact that all your product variations have the same descriptions, keywords, etc. suggests the issue is not with the content of your listings.

Rather, it seems Amazon is inconsistently flagging some color variations as potentially children's products while leaving others unrestricted. This can happen due to factors like:

  • If the images for certain color variations use fonts, graphics, or models that appear more "childlike", those may get flagged even if the descriptions are identical.
  • Some product categories (e.g. jewelry, accessories) are examined more heavily for potential children's products, so some variants may get caught up in that even if others don't.
  • If Amazon sees negative reviews calling out certain variants as inappropriate for adults, that could trigger restrictions.

So the inconsistency is likely due to the complex and subjective way Amazon evaluates products for potential suitability for children. The fact that your listings are fundamentally the same suggests the issue is with Amazon's review process, not anything you've done wrong. Thoroughly reviewing and optimizing your listings is still good advice, but the inconsistencies you're seeing are understandable given the complexities involved.

Know we are always here for you! Please let us know if you need anything else and we are happy to help!

I wish you all the best,


user profile

We are having the same issue and 32 of our listings are flagged as children jewelry when they clearly aren't. We sell women's engagement rings and need help in getting this fixed ASAP.

Case ID - 16019506151, 16019609941, 16019609921, 16019506781,16019609911, 16019609901, 16019609891, 16019609881, 16019609871, 16019616281 , 16019609861, 16019616271, 16019613921, 16019609851, 16019613911, 16019613901, 16019613881, 16019613871 , 16019613861, 16019613061, 16019613051, 16019611011, 16019611001, 16019481701, 16018321281,

If you need the ASIN's I have that also.

user profile


We are currently facing issues related to Amazon's compliance requirements for our Children's Jewelry products. Several of our listings were deactivated after being flagged as Children's Jewelry. We promptly submitted all the necessary documents, including test reports and images, for review. However, it has now been over two weeks, and the listings remain inactive, with the documents still under review.

Could you please expedite the review process, or consider reactivating our listings while the documents are being evaluated? We are concerned that if the review takes longer, there is a risk Amazon might remove our inventory for those ASINs.

Case IDs: 16032905551, 16003116151, 15982840971

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Greetings LA_VINIA,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the Seller Forums. I would be happy to investigate this issue further.

Could you please provide the relevant Case ID with Seller Support, where they rejected your appeal regarding your compliance documents?

Getting that information from you would allow me to begin a thorough investigation into the matter. I look forward to receiving those details from you soon, so I can start digging into this and try to resolve the issue.

The forums community and I are committed to assisting you. Feel free to share how we can support you moving forward.

I wish you all the best,


user profile

Greetings LA_VINIA,

Thank you for reaching out to us on the Seller Forums. I would be happy to investigate this issue further.

Could you please provide the relevant Case ID with Seller Support, where they rejected your appeal regarding your compliance documents?

Getting that information from you would allow me to begin a thorough investigation into the matter. I look forward to receiving those details from you soon, so I can start digging into this and try to resolve the issue.

The forums community and I are committed to assisting you. Feel free to share how we can support you moving forward.

I wish you all the best,


user profile

Hello @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you so much for your contact and for providing the case IDs so we could investigate your case further.

I can understand how frustrating this situation must be for you. It's really concerning when Amazon restricts some of your listings without a clear explanation, especially when you've appealed the decisions multiple times.

I would encourage you to take a very close look at the listings that have been restricted and try to identify any language, imagery, or other details that could potentially be interpreted as marketing the items towards children. Even something as simple as using words like "girls" or "boys" in the title or description could trigger Amazon's systems to flag the item as children's jewelry, even if that wasn't your intent.

My advice would be to thoroughly review all of your active listings, as well as any that have been restricted, and remove or revise any content that could be seen as targeting a juvenile audience. This might include changing titles, descriptions, keywords, and even the product images themselves.

I know it's frustrating to have to jump through hoops like this, but Amazon's policies around children's products are quite strict, and they tend to be very cautious when it comes to these types of products. By being extra diligent in ensuring your listings are 100% focused on adult customers, you'll be in a much stronger position to get the restrictions lifted.

Visit the page Children's jewelry for more information.

I sincerely hope you're able to get this resolved soon. Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'm happy to provide any additional guidance or support I can.



user profile

Hello @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you so much for your contact and for providing the case IDs so we could investigate your case further.

I can understand how frustrating this situation must be for you. It's really concerning when Amazon restricts some of your listings without a clear explanation, especially when you've appealed the decisions multiple times.

I would encourage you to take a very close look at the listings that have been restricted and try to identify any language, imagery, or other details that could potentially be interpreted as marketing the items towards children. Even something as simple as using words like "girls" or "boys" in the title or description could trigger Amazon's systems to flag the item as children's jewelry, even if that wasn't your intent.

My advice would be to thoroughly review all of your active listings, as well as any that have been restricted, and remove or revise any content that could be seen as targeting a juvenile audience. This might include changing titles, descriptions, keywords, and even the product images themselves.

I know it's frustrating to have to jump through hoops like this, but Amazon's policies around children's products are quite strict, and they tend to be very cautious when it comes to these types of products. By being extra diligent in ensuring your listings are 100% focused on adult customers, you'll be in a much stronger position to get the restrictions lifted.

Visit the page Children's jewelry for more information.

I sincerely hope you're able to get this resolved soon. Please let me know if you have any other questions - I'm happy to provide any additional guidance or support I can.



user profile
In reply to: Roxy_Amazon's post

Hi Roxy, the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...

user profile
In reply to: Roxy_Amazon's post

Hi Roxy, the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...

user profile

Hello dear @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you for your message and I am here to help you with everything I can.

user profile
the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...
View post

I understand your frustration with the inconsistent restrictions on your product variations. The fact that all your product variations have the same descriptions, keywords, etc. suggests the issue is not with the content of your listings.

Rather, it seems Amazon is inconsistently flagging some color variations as potentially children's products while leaving others unrestricted. This can happen due to factors like:

  • If the images for certain color variations use fonts, graphics, or models that appear more "childlike", those may get flagged even if the descriptions are identical.
  • Some product categories (e.g. jewelry, accessories) are examined more heavily for potential children's products, so some variants may get caught up in that even if others don't.
  • If Amazon sees negative reviews calling out certain variants as inappropriate for adults, that could trigger restrictions.

So the inconsistency is likely due to the complex and subjective way Amazon evaluates products for potential suitability for children. The fact that your listings are fundamentally the same suggests the issue is with Amazon's review process, not anything you've done wrong. Thoroughly reviewing and optimizing your listings is still good advice, but the inconsistencies you're seeing are understandable given the complexities involved.

Know we are always here for you! Please let us know if you need anything else and we are happy to help!

I wish you all the best,


user profile

Hello dear @Seller_QmcMoH6BbZh4N,

Thank you for your message and I am here to help you with everything I can.

user profile
the problem is each variation item has same product descriptions, keyword etc. all is same it is one earring with 7 colors but some colors are restricted some are not. I really didn't understand the logic...
View post

I understand your frustration with the inconsistent restrictions on your product variations. The fact that all your product variations have the same descriptions, keywords, etc. suggests the issue is not with the content of your listings.

Rather, it seems Amazon is inconsistently flagging some color variations as potentially children's products while leaving others unrestricted. This can happen due to factors like:

  • If the images for certain color variations use fonts, graphics, or models that appear more "childlike", those may get flagged even if the descriptions are identical.
  • Some product categories (e.g. jewelry, accessories) are examined more heavily for potential children's products, so some variants may get caught up in that even if others don't.
  • If Amazon sees negative reviews calling out certain variants as inappropriate for adults, that could trigger restrictions.

So the inconsistency is likely due to the complex and subjective way Amazon evaluates products for potential suitability for children. The fact that your listings are fundamentally the same suggests the issue is with Amazon's review process, not anything you've done wrong. Thoroughly reviewing and optimizing your listings is still good advice, but the inconsistencies you're seeing are understandable given the complexities involved.

Know we are always here for you! Please let us know if you need anything else and we are happy to help!

I wish you all the best,


user profile

We are having the same issue and 32 of our listings are flagged as children jewelry when they clearly aren't. We sell women's engagement rings and need help in getting this fixed ASAP.

Case ID - 16019506151, 16019609941, 16019609921, 16019506781,16019609911, 16019609901, 16019609891, 16019609881, 16019609871, 16019616281 , 16019609861, 16019616271, 16019613921, 16019609851, 16019613911, 16019613901, 16019613881, 16019613871 , 16019613861, 16019613061, 16019613051, 16019611011, 16019611001, 16019481701, 16018321281,

If you need the ASIN's I have that also.

user profile

We are having the same issue and 32 of our listings are flagged as children jewelry when they clearly aren't. We sell women's engagement rings and need help in getting this fixed ASAP.

Case ID - 16019506151, 16019609941, 16019609921, 16019506781,16019609911, 16019609901, 16019609891, 16019609881, 16019609871, 16019616281 , 16019609861, 16019616271, 16019613921, 16019609851, 16019613911, 16019613901, 16019613881, 16019613871 , 16019613861, 16019613061, 16019613051, 16019611011, 16019611001, 16019481701, 16018321281,

If you need the ASIN's I have that also.

user profile


We are currently facing issues related to Amazon's compliance requirements for our Children's Jewelry products. Several of our listings were deactivated after being flagged as Children's Jewelry. We promptly submitted all the necessary documents, including test reports and images, for review. However, it has now been over two weeks, and the listings remain inactive, with the documents still under review.

Could you please expedite the review process, or consider reactivating our listings while the documents are being evaluated? We are concerned that if the review takes longer, there is a risk Amazon might remove our inventory for those ASINs.

Case IDs: 16032905551, 16003116151, 15982840971

user profile


We are currently facing issues related to Amazon's compliance requirements for our Children's Jewelry products. Several of our listings were deactivated after being flagged as Children's Jewelry. We promptly submitted all the necessary documents, including test reports and images, for review. However, it has now been over two weeks, and the listings remain inactive, with the documents still under review.

Could you please expedite the review process, or consider reactivating our listings while the documents are being evaluated? We are concerned that if the review takes longer, there is a risk Amazon might remove our inventory for those ASINs.

Case IDs: 16032905551, 16003116151, 15982840971

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