My trademark number is correct. Class of trademark is correct.
Complain ID is 16722344581.
Yet, when I report a violation, it keeps getting rejected. I escalate it and they say to send correct trademark number. The trademark is already added to my account.
The rejection message says:
The date of first use of the TM is not greater than or equal to 3 months prior to the notice submission date; therefore, we are unable to act on the notice. If you believe this decision was made in error, submit a new report with all required trademark-related information, including the date of your trademark’s first use in commerce.
The date of first use of my trademark is July 5, 2024.
I really need someone to look into this and give me more info on what is happening.
Hi there @Seller_0sWItrov7uKqA
After taking a look into your report, it appears you'll need to report this through Report Abuse under the "Products received are different than the description on the detail page".
Please give background into only how the product is different than what is on the detail page. Let me know of the complaint ID that gets generated once you submit that!
My trademark number is correct. Class of trademark is correct.
Complain ID is 16722344581.
Yet, when I report a violation, it keeps getting rejected. I escalate it and they say to send correct trademark number. The trademark is already added to my account.
The rejection message says:
The date of first use of the TM is not greater than or equal to 3 months prior to the notice submission date; therefore, we are unable to act on the notice. If you believe this decision was made in error, submit a new report with all required trademark-related information, including the date of your trademark’s first use in commerce.
The date of first use of my trademark is July 5, 2024.
I really need someone to look into this and give me more info on what is happening.
My trademark number is correct. Class of trademark is correct.
Complain ID is 16722344581.
Yet, when I report a violation, it keeps getting rejected. I escalate it and they say to send correct trademark number. The trademark is already added to my account.
The rejection message says:
The date of first use of the TM is not greater than or equal to 3 months prior to the notice submission date; therefore, we are unable to act on the notice. If you believe this decision was made in error, submit a new report with all required trademark-related information, including the date of your trademark’s first use in commerce.
The date of first use of my trademark is July 5, 2024.
I really need someone to look into this and give me more info on what is happening.
Hi there @Seller_0sWItrov7uKqA
After taking a look into your report, it appears you'll need to report this through Report Abuse under the "Products received are different than the description on the detail page".
Please give background into only how the product is different than what is on the detail page. Let me know of the complaint ID that gets generated once you submit that!
Hi there @Seller_0sWItrov7uKqA
After taking a look into your report, it appears you'll need to report this through Report Abuse under the "Products received are different than the description on the detail page".
Please give background into only how the product is different than what is on the detail page. Let me know of the complaint ID that gets generated once you submit that!
Hi there @Seller_0sWItrov7uKqA
After taking a look into your report, it appears you'll need to report this through Report Abuse under the "Products received are different than the description on the detail page".
Please give background into only how the product is different than what is on the detail page. Let me know of the complaint ID that gets generated once you submit that!