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Account deactivation due to provision of inaccurate information to Amazon or our customers

Hello experts and moderators, on March 20 i received a notification that my account was deactivated due to "-- To provide inaccurate information to Amazon or our customers".

I have made appeals and responded to every instructions that was received on account health page. I provided all supporting documents to prove that i did not provide any inaccurate information but it is still getting denied. I am tired and have no idea how i can prove this that i did not provide inaccurate information.

I have asked moderators as well to help me what exactly i need to provide because there is no exact document that has been asked.

Any kind of help and insights from moderators would be highly appreciated. Note that i have followed all kind of self-assessment questionnaire that previous moderators suggested and no issues found. Only help that i assist right now is that i need insights from the deactivation team so they can let me know where i provided inaccurate information so i can provide supporting document for that since i have provided almost everything i had e.g. supply chain documents, identity verification, business documents etc.

Thank you

11 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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You started a thread about that issue tree months ago and another one two months ago. Your thread from eight months ago is eventually about a suspension of another kind.

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To provide inaccurate information
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That can mean a hundred things. We cannot know what is wrong with your listings or with your settings in seller central. You really have to find out yourself. Amazon will NOT tell you, because the humans don't know and the AI just says yes or no.

Since YOU don't know what information was inacurate and seller support cannot tell you I don't see any way to reactivate your account. BUT - I have the feeling you know exactly what went wrong. As long as you don't tell it - nobody can help you and you will have no future on Amazon.

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Hello @Seller_j9zkOxgvChb4R

I understand you are still being impacted by the concern from your previous thread. Thank you for sharing this information.

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nothing regarding identity, business document and items that i previously listed/sold
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You mention having done research into the account to identify where the issue is, have you found any new information that you could share since your previous thread?

Inaccurate information can refer to something such as your business name being incorrect, a product being listed in the incorrect category, your shipping location not matching your shipping settings, etc. You will want to ensure that every pieces of information was as it should be as any discrepancies could qualify for this issue.

Please continue to utilize this thread for any other questions or updates. We would encourage you to review the guidance provided in your previous thread as well as it would still remain relevant.



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Account deactivation due to provision of inaccurate information to Amazon or our customers

Hello experts and moderators, on March 20 i received a notification that my account was deactivated due to "-- To provide inaccurate information to Amazon or our customers".

I have made appeals and responded to every instructions that was received on account health page. I provided all supporting documents to prove that i did not provide any inaccurate information but it is still getting denied. I am tired and have no idea how i can prove this that i did not provide inaccurate information.

I have asked moderators as well to help me what exactly i need to provide because there is no exact document that has been asked.

Any kind of help and insights from moderators would be highly appreciated. Note that i have followed all kind of self-assessment questionnaire that previous moderators suggested and no issues found. Only help that i assist right now is that i need insights from the deactivation team so they can let me know where i provided inaccurate information so i can provide supporting document for that since i have provided almost everything i had e.g. supply chain documents, identity verification, business documents etc.

Thank you

11 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
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Account deactivation due to provision of inaccurate information to Amazon or our customers

by Seller_j9zkOxgvChb4R

Hello experts and moderators, on March 20 i received a notification that my account was deactivated due to "-- To provide inaccurate information to Amazon or our customers".

I have made appeals and responded to every instructions that was received on account health page. I provided all supporting documents to prove that i did not provide any inaccurate information but it is still getting denied. I am tired and have no idea how i can prove this that i did not provide inaccurate information.

I have asked moderators as well to help me what exactly i need to provide because there is no exact document that has been asked.

Any kind of help and insights from moderators would be highly appreciated. Note that i have followed all kind of self-assessment questionnaire that previous moderators suggested and no issues found. Only help that i assist right now is that i need insights from the deactivation team so they can let me know where i provided inaccurate information so i can provide supporting document for that since i have provided almost everything i had e.g. supply chain documents, identity verification, business documents etc.

Thank you

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated
11 replies
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You started a thread about that issue tree months ago and another one two months ago. Your thread from eight months ago is eventually about a suspension of another kind.

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To provide inaccurate information
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That can mean a hundred things. We cannot know what is wrong with your listings or with your settings in seller central. You really have to find out yourself. Amazon will NOT tell you, because the humans don't know and the AI just says yes or no.

Since YOU don't know what information was inacurate and seller support cannot tell you I don't see any way to reactivate your account. BUT - I have the feeling you know exactly what went wrong. As long as you don't tell it - nobody can help you and you will have no future on Amazon.

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Hello @Seller_j9zkOxgvChb4R

I understand you are still being impacted by the concern from your previous thread. Thank you for sharing this information.

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nothing regarding identity, business document and items that i previously listed/sold
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You mention having done research into the account to identify where the issue is, have you found any new information that you could share since your previous thread?

Inaccurate information can refer to something such as your business name being incorrect, a product being listed in the incorrect category, your shipping location not matching your shipping settings, etc. You will want to ensure that every pieces of information was as it should be as any discrepancies could qualify for this issue.

Please continue to utilize this thread for any other questions or updates. We would encourage you to review the guidance provided in your previous thread as well as it would still remain relevant.



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You started a thread about that issue tree months ago and another one two months ago. Your thread from eight months ago is eventually about a suspension of another kind.

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To provide inaccurate information
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That can mean a hundred things. We cannot know what is wrong with your listings or with your settings in seller central. You really have to find out yourself. Amazon will NOT tell you, because the humans don't know and the AI just says yes or no.

Since YOU don't know what information was inacurate and seller support cannot tell you I don't see any way to reactivate your account. BUT - I have the feeling you know exactly what went wrong. As long as you don't tell it - nobody can help you and you will have no future on Amazon.

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You started a thread about that issue tree months ago and another one two months ago. Your thread from eight months ago is eventually about a suspension of another kind.

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To provide inaccurate information
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That can mean a hundred things. We cannot know what is wrong with your listings or with your settings in seller central. You really have to find out yourself. Amazon will NOT tell you, because the humans don't know and the AI just says yes or no.

Since YOU don't know what information was inacurate and seller support cannot tell you I don't see any way to reactivate your account. BUT - I have the feeling you know exactly what went wrong. As long as you don't tell it - nobody can help you and you will have no future on Amazon.

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Hello @Seller_j9zkOxgvChb4R

I understand you are still being impacted by the concern from your previous thread. Thank you for sharing this information.

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nothing regarding identity, business document and items that i previously listed/sold
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You mention having done research into the account to identify where the issue is, have you found any new information that you could share since your previous thread?

Inaccurate information can refer to something such as your business name being incorrect, a product being listed in the incorrect category, your shipping location not matching your shipping settings, etc. You will want to ensure that every pieces of information was as it should be as any discrepancies could qualify for this issue.

Please continue to utilize this thread for any other questions or updates. We would encourage you to review the guidance provided in your previous thread as well as it would still remain relevant.



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Hello @Seller_j9zkOxgvChb4R

I understand you are still being impacted by the concern from your previous thread. Thank you for sharing this information.

user profile
nothing regarding identity, business document and items that i previously listed/sold
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You mention having done research into the account to identify where the issue is, have you found any new information that you could share since your previous thread?

Inaccurate information can refer to something such as your business name being incorrect, a product being listed in the incorrect category, your shipping location not matching your shipping settings, etc. You will want to ensure that every pieces of information was as it should be as any discrepancies could qualify for this issue.

Please continue to utilize this thread for any other questions or updates. We would encourage you to review the guidance provided in your previous thread as well as it would still remain relevant.



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