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Section 3 not responding

I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet. This is unusual because they usually reply within 2-3 days.

Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial. It’s really frustrating to deal with this, especially since I’ve been following the correct procedure

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Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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"Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial."

Amazon only responds in CODE so they don't give a blueprint of ways to scam the system to all the black hats out there.

Find the suspension notice and POST THAT but remove all personal information first.

Anyone answering will need to see what wording they used and what they are asking for.

If it is a Section 3 violation for dropshipping anyone responding needs to see the language to determine if it included the 'death sentence' wording.

Were there other issues such as IP violations, RA, OR, you used a Virtual Assistant and they 'helped' you with paperwork and forged documents?

NOTE -- If it was for IP, RA, OA or dropshipping you will NOT get the products or the money in your account back because you have no chain of custody and proof of authenticity.

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Hello @Seller_GiIVlHKsuW0kf

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I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet.
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Thank you for the information provided regarding the deactivation of your account and the appeal you have pending. I understand that your latest appeal has been pending for some time, have you received any follow up information as of now? Would you be able to share the communication you received at the time?

Our team is not going to provide any kind of follow up information regarding the specific issues with the documents as they will consider this to be confidential to their investigation. We do encourage you to compile the information you have in relation that shows the product is authentic and authorized to be sold by you on the platform. If our team cannot verify the details provided or they identify any discrepancies, we cannot guarantee a resolution will be available.

We do encourage you to continue to share any information or details you have regarding this situation so we may better understand and provide guidance.



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Section 3 not responding

I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet. This is unusual because they usually reply within 2-3 days.

Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial. It’s really frustrating to deal with this, especially since I’ve been following the correct procedure

4 replies
Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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Section 3 not responding

by Seller_GiIVlHKsuW0kf

I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet. This is unusual because they usually reply within 2-3 days.

Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial. It’s really frustrating to deal with this, especially since I’ve been following the correct procedure

Tags:Account Health, Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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"Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial."

Amazon only responds in CODE so they don't give a blueprint of ways to scam the system to all the black hats out there.

Find the suspension notice and POST THAT but remove all personal information first.

Anyone answering will need to see what wording they used and what they are asking for.

If it is a Section 3 violation for dropshipping anyone responding needs to see the language to determine if it included the 'death sentence' wording.

Were there other issues such as IP violations, RA, OR, you used a Virtual Assistant and they 'helped' you with paperwork and forged documents?

NOTE -- If it was for IP, RA, OA or dropshipping you will NOT get the products or the money in your account back because you have no chain of custody and proof of authenticity.

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Hello @Seller_GiIVlHKsuW0kf

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I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet.
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Thank you for the information provided regarding the deactivation of your account and the appeal you have pending. I understand that your latest appeal has been pending for some time, have you received any follow up information as of now? Would you be able to share the communication you received at the time?

Our team is not going to provide any kind of follow up information regarding the specific issues with the documents as they will consider this to be confidential to their investigation. We do encourage you to compile the information you have in relation that shows the product is authentic and authorized to be sold by you on the platform. If our team cannot verify the details provided or they identify any discrepancies, we cannot guarantee a resolution will be available.

We do encourage you to continue to share any information or details you have regarding this situation so we may better understand and provide guidance.



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"Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial."

Amazon only responds in CODE so they don't give a blueprint of ways to scam the system to all the black hats out there.

Find the suspension notice and POST THAT but remove all personal information first.

Anyone answering will need to see what wording they used and what they are asking for.

If it is a Section 3 violation for dropshipping anyone responding needs to see the language to determine if it included the 'death sentence' wording.

Were there other issues such as IP violations, RA, OR, you used a Virtual Assistant and they 'helped' you with paperwork and forged documents?

NOTE -- If it was for IP, RA, OA or dropshipping you will NOT get the products or the money in your account back because you have no chain of custody and proof of authenticity.

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"Additionally, they had previously denied my appeals without providing any explanation for the denial."

Amazon only responds in CODE so they don't give a blueprint of ways to scam the system to all the black hats out there.

Find the suspension notice and POST THAT but remove all personal information first.

Anyone answering will need to see what wording they used and what they are asking for.

If it is a Section 3 violation for dropshipping anyone responding needs to see the language to determine if it included the 'death sentence' wording.

Were there other issues such as IP violations, RA, OR, you used a Virtual Assistant and they 'helped' you with paperwork and forged documents?

NOTE -- If it was for IP, RA, OA or dropshipping you will NOT get the products or the money in your account back because you have no chain of custody and proof of authenticity.

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Hello @Seller_GiIVlHKsuW0kf

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I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet.
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Thank you for the information provided regarding the deactivation of your account and the appeal you have pending. I understand that your latest appeal has been pending for some time, have you received any follow up information as of now? Would you be able to share the communication you received at the time?

Our team is not going to provide any kind of follow up information regarding the specific issues with the documents as they will consider this to be confidential to their investigation. We do encourage you to compile the information you have in relation that shows the product is authentic and authorized to be sold by you on the platform. If our team cannot verify the details provided or they identify any discrepancies, we cannot guarantee a resolution will be available.

We do encourage you to continue to share any information or details you have regarding this situation so we may better understand and provide guidance.



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Hello @Seller_GiIVlHKsuW0kf

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I got hit with a Section 3 and have been submitting appeals to get my account reactivated, but my last appeal was about a week ago, and I haven’t received any response yet.
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Thank you for the information provided regarding the deactivation of your account and the appeal you have pending. I understand that your latest appeal has been pending for some time, have you received any follow up information as of now? Would you be able to share the communication you received at the time?

Our team is not going to provide any kind of follow up information regarding the specific issues with the documents as they will consider this to be confidential to their investigation. We do encourage you to compile the information you have in relation that shows the product is authentic and authorized to be sold by you on the platform. If our team cannot verify the details provided or they identify any discrepancies, we cannot guarantee a resolution will be available.

We do encourage you to continue to share any information or details you have regarding this situation so we may better understand and provide guidance.



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