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Early Spring Cleaning of Your Amazon Catalog

Following up on yesterday's "For the Love of Infringement!" discussion, let's dive into some game-changing practices to keep your catalog squeaky clean and violation-free!

🎯 Master Your Inventory Management:

Schedule Regular Check-ups

  • Mark your calendar for weekly/monthly reviews
  • Think of it as a health check for your business!
  • Pro tip: Set recurring calendar reminders

Identify & Remove

  • Products you've discontinued
  • Seasonal items past their prime
  • Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months

Smart Record-Keeping

  • Document all removed listings
  • Keep screenshots of important details
  • Store data in an organized spreadsheet
  • Update any related product information

💡 Quick Win: Set aside just 30 minutes each week to review your catalog. Small time investment, huge protection for your account!

🤝 Listings Community Corner: We'd love to hear your success strategies!

  • What tools or systems do you use to stay organized?
  • How often do you audit your listings?
  • Any clever tricks for managing seasonal inventory?

Share your tips below and help fellow sellers thrive!

34 replies
Tags:Engage with Amazon, Quick tips
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Early Spring Cleaning of Your Amazon Catalog

Following up on yesterday's "For the Love of Infringement!" discussion, let's dive into some game-changing practices to keep your catalog squeaky clean and violation-free!

🎯 Master Your Inventory Management:

Schedule Regular Check-ups

  • Mark your calendar for weekly/monthly reviews
  • Think of it as a health check for your business!
  • Pro tip: Set recurring calendar reminders

Identify & Remove

  • Products you've discontinued
  • Seasonal items past their prime
  • Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months

Smart Record-Keeping

  • Document all removed listings
  • Keep screenshots of important details
  • Store data in an organized spreadsheet
  • Update any related product information

💡 Quick Win: Set aside just 30 minutes each week to review your catalog. Small time investment, huge protection for your account!

🤝 Listings Community Corner: We'd love to hear your success strategies!

  • What tools or systems do you use to stay organized?
  • How often do you audit your listings?
  • Any clever tricks for managing seasonal inventory?

Share your tips below and help fellow sellers thrive!

Tags:Engage with Amazon, Quick tips
34 replies
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What a "not to do" idea, unless you have it at FBA. We don't all sell soap and paper towels.

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Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months
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Look guys amazon is a beast. Know your competition, know your numbers, test the water with strategies that lead to success. Once you have this, are capitalized, jump in with both feet. Amazon is doing some big things here guys. AWD is a huge thing and them combining it with Amazons Global Logistics, it then becomes a matter of how much inventory you can get into the system.

That's if you have checked all amazons boxes. Once I started thinking them as my partner rather than my web page to sell something, I decided to go all in.

I'm speaking as a new seller. Who sees a path forward.

This is my year baby!!

Jokes aside thank you to the amazing team at amazon who runs this forum. It can be a priceless tool. Amazon support team you ROCK!!!

Stay focused everyone and I wish everyone the success they are looking for

user profile

As a bookseller, my process is to go through much of my FBM inventory, repricing some items, getting rid of the ones that are no longer profitable (such as the one that Amazon dropped their price from $82 to $2.83), then checking the shelves.

In a typical year, I find 20-30 books that I still have in inventory, but Amazon shows I have no stock, since Amazon doesn't seem to know how to handle a canceled order from a customer.

user profile

I'm probably not telling you anything you're not already aware of, , but do you know whose catalog really needs to be cleaned up?Right.


I try daily to fix things and all I'm met with is opposition, mostly by way of an unbelievable level of incompetence.

Yes, over time, I've learned a few "tricks" on how to get corrections made without going through [Moderator Edit: removed inappropriate commentary] Seller Support. But I would never reveal them here because Amazon would hunt them down and blow them up.

user profile

they are NOT your partner.

You are their servant at best.(And not even in a biblical sense as even slaves are to be treated better than us)

You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)

You could find yourself suspended tomorrow, all it takes is the bot running into it.

Then I want to hear you getting help from your partners.

You got 192 reviews on that product, so you sold 50-100 a year at best, over the last 4 years

Not exactly "diving in"

Being that it's 25 bucks a pop, not making a fortune either

user profile
Once I started thinking them as my partner
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user profile
You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)
View post

There are a lot more violations than that! That's a terrible-looking page.

@Seller_f2StCJPX1cvAQ, Amazon has stated its intentions of "cleaning up" titles that look like this - all bloated with unnecessary verbiage and spammed with key words. "Shredder" appears four times (I'd also count "shred" in with that)..."twist" three times. Two is (supposedly) now the limit for the same word.

Amazon says that titles ...should contain the minimal information needed to identify the item and nothing more.

Yours is way over the top. (Yes, there are many in the catalog like that, and, unfortunately, they all look trashy.)

And the "bullet points"! Yikes!

Amazon says (among other things) about bullet points:

Make each bullet point brief yet descriptive; This is not the place for paragraphs.

That's just one long schpiel that you have broken down into what you think are "bullet points."

Who knows when it will be, but this page will probably (hopefully) get caught by the "title-fixin'" bot. The page is not even close to professional-looking.

Not to mention the fact that spelling is definitely not your strong suit. The errors on that page are embarrassingly basic ones. That makes you - and Amazon - look bad.

And, if I still shopped on Amazon (which I no longer do), I would fear that a page that looked like yours would be a reflection of the product itself. Maybe that's not logical, but I'd never buy something from a seller with that poor of a presentation.

user profile

This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.

user profile
(Think a 28mm hobby product being placed in the automotive category because of the name of the product and no way to get it back out, bad as it is, you then get a warning because you are not authorized to sell in the one or other category they moved your products into, but they still wont fix it either...)
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Can I ask what you meant by this? Was it that first bullet point in my listing you are talking about?

user profile
Anyways, you might wanna fix that bullet point before your "partners" take note
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Yes, and how would you like this issue with 10, 20 or 50 items a month?

user profile
This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.
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If you are seriously asking that you need to spend more time on your amazon business and in the forums. Just ten minutes a day for a month and your world view will shift. Or sell for a few years.

user profile
Geeze why do you have such a negative view on amazon?
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Early Spring Cleaning of Your Amazon Catalog

Following up on yesterday's "For the Love of Infringement!" discussion, let's dive into some game-changing practices to keep your catalog squeaky clean and violation-free!

🎯 Master Your Inventory Management:

Schedule Regular Check-ups

  • Mark your calendar for weekly/monthly reviews
  • Think of it as a health check for your business!
  • Pro tip: Set recurring calendar reminders

Identify & Remove

  • Products you've discontinued
  • Seasonal items past their prime
  • Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months

Smart Record-Keeping

  • Document all removed listings
  • Keep screenshots of important details
  • Store data in an organized spreadsheet
  • Update any related product information

💡 Quick Win: Set aside just 30 minutes each week to review your catalog. Small time investment, huge protection for your account!

🤝 Listings Community Corner: We'd love to hear your success strategies!

  • What tools or systems do you use to stay organized?
  • How often do you audit your listings?
  • Any clever tricks for managing seasonal inventory?

Share your tips below and help fellow sellers thrive!

34 replies
Tags:Engage with Amazon, Quick tips
user profile

Early Spring Cleaning of Your Amazon Catalog

Following up on yesterday's "For the Love of Infringement!" discussion, let's dive into some game-changing practices to keep your catalog squeaky clean and violation-free!

🎯 Master Your Inventory Management:

Schedule Regular Check-ups

  • Mark your calendar for weekly/monthly reviews
  • Think of it as a health check for your business!
  • Pro tip: Set recurring calendar reminders

Identify & Remove

  • Products you've discontinued
  • Seasonal items past their prime
  • Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months

Smart Record-Keeping

  • Document all removed listings
  • Keep screenshots of important details
  • Store data in an organized spreadsheet
  • Update any related product information

💡 Quick Win: Set aside just 30 minutes each week to review your catalog. Small time investment, huge protection for your account!

🤝 Listings Community Corner: We'd love to hear your success strategies!

  • What tools or systems do you use to stay organized?
  • How often do you audit your listings?
  • Any clever tricks for managing seasonal inventory?

Share your tips below and help fellow sellers thrive!

Tags:Engage with Amazon, Quick tips
34 replies
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Early Spring Cleaning of Your Amazon Catalog

by Michelle_Amazon

Following up on yesterday's "For the Love of Infringement!" discussion, let's dive into some game-changing practices to keep your catalog squeaky clean and violation-free!

🎯 Master Your Inventory Management:

Schedule Regular Check-ups

  • Mark your calendar for weekly/monthly reviews
  • Think of it as a health check for your business!
  • Pro tip: Set recurring calendar reminders

Identify & Remove

  • Products you've discontinued
  • Seasonal items past their prime
  • Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months

Smart Record-Keeping

  • Document all removed listings
  • Keep screenshots of important details
  • Store data in an organized spreadsheet
  • Update any related product information

💡 Quick Win: Set aside just 30 minutes each week to review your catalog. Small time investment, huge protection for your account!

🤝 Listings Community Corner: We'd love to hear your success strategies!

  • What tools or systems do you use to stay organized?
  • How often do you audit your listings?
  • Any clever tricks for managing seasonal inventory?

Share your tips below and help fellow sellers thrive!

Tags:Engage with Amazon, Quick tips
34 replies
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What a "not to do" idea, unless you have it at FBA. We don't all sell soap and paper towels.

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Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months
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Look guys amazon is a beast. Know your competition, know your numbers, test the water with strategies that lead to success. Once you have this, are capitalized, jump in with both feet. Amazon is doing some big things here guys. AWD is a huge thing and them combining it with Amazons Global Logistics, it then becomes a matter of how much inventory you can get into the system.

That's if you have checked all amazons boxes. Once I started thinking them as my partner rather than my web page to sell something, I decided to go all in.

I'm speaking as a new seller. Who sees a path forward.

This is my year baby!!

Jokes aside thank you to the amazing team at amazon who runs this forum. It can be a priceless tool. Amazon support team you ROCK!!!

Stay focused everyone and I wish everyone the success they are looking for

user profile

As a bookseller, my process is to go through much of my FBM inventory, repricing some items, getting rid of the ones that are no longer profitable (such as the one that Amazon dropped their price from $82 to $2.83), then checking the shelves.

In a typical year, I find 20-30 books that I still have in inventory, but Amazon shows I have no stock, since Amazon doesn't seem to know how to handle a canceled order from a customer.

user profile

I'm probably not telling you anything you're not already aware of, , but do you know whose catalog really needs to be cleaned up?Right.


I try daily to fix things and all I'm met with is opposition, mostly by way of an unbelievable level of incompetence.

Yes, over time, I've learned a few "tricks" on how to get corrections made without going through [Moderator Edit: removed inappropriate commentary] Seller Support. But I would never reveal them here because Amazon would hunt them down and blow them up.

user profile

they are NOT your partner.

You are their servant at best.(And not even in a biblical sense as even slaves are to be treated better than us)

You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)

You could find yourself suspended tomorrow, all it takes is the bot running into it.

Then I want to hear you getting help from your partners.

You got 192 reviews on that product, so you sold 50-100 a year at best, over the last 4 years

Not exactly "diving in"

Being that it's 25 bucks a pop, not making a fortune either

user profile
Once I started thinking them as my partner
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user profile
You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)
View post

There are a lot more violations than that! That's a terrible-looking page.

@Seller_f2StCJPX1cvAQ, Amazon has stated its intentions of "cleaning up" titles that look like this - all bloated with unnecessary verbiage and spammed with key words. "Shredder" appears four times (I'd also count "shred" in with that)..."twist" three times. Two is (supposedly) now the limit for the same word.

Amazon says that titles ...should contain the minimal information needed to identify the item and nothing more.

Yours is way over the top. (Yes, there are many in the catalog like that, and, unfortunately, they all look trashy.)

And the "bullet points"! Yikes!

Amazon says (among other things) about bullet points:

Make each bullet point brief yet descriptive; This is not the place for paragraphs.

That's just one long schpiel that you have broken down into what you think are "bullet points."

Who knows when it will be, but this page will probably (hopefully) get caught by the "title-fixin'" bot. The page is not even close to professional-looking.

Not to mention the fact that spelling is definitely not your strong suit. The errors on that page are embarrassingly basic ones. That makes you - and Amazon - look bad.

And, if I still shopped on Amazon (which I no longer do), I would fear that a page that looked like yours would be a reflection of the product itself. Maybe that's not logical, but I'd never buy something from a seller with that poor of a presentation.

user profile

This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.

user profile
(Think a 28mm hobby product being placed in the automotive category because of the name of the product and no way to get it back out, bad as it is, you then get a warning because you are not authorized to sell in the one or other category they moved your products into, but they still wont fix it either...)
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Can I ask what you meant by this? Was it that first bullet point in my listing you are talking about?

user profile
Anyways, you might wanna fix that bullet point before your "partners" take note
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user profile

Yes, and how would you like this issue with 10, 20 or 50 items a month?

user profile
This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.
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If you are seriously asking that you need to spend more time on your amazon business and in the forums. Just ten minutes a day for a month and your world view will shift. Or sell for a few years.

user profile
Geeze why do you have such a negative view on amazon?
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user profile

What a "not to do" idea, unless you have it at FBA. We don't all sell soap and paper towels.

user profile
Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months
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user profile

What a "not to do" idea, unless you have it at FBA. We don't all sell soap and paper towels.

user profile
Any listings with zero sales in the past 3-6 months
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user profile


Look guys amazon is a beast. Know your competition, know your numbers, test the water with strategies that lead to success. Once you have this, are capitalized, jump in with both feet. Amazon is doing some big things here guys. AWD is a huge thing and them combining it with Amazons Global Logistics, it then becomes a matter of how much inventory you can get into the system.

That's if you have checked all amazons boxes. Once I started thinking them as my partner rather than my web page to sell something, I decided to go all in.

I'm speaking as a new seller. Who sees a path forward.

This is my year baby!!

Jokes aside thank you to the amazing team at amazon who runs this forum. It can be a priceless tool. Amazon support team you ROCK!!!

Stay focused everyone and I wish everyone the success they are looking for

user profile


Look guys amazon is a beast. Know your competition, know your numbers, test the water with strategies that lead to success. Once you have this, are capitalized, jump in with both feet. Amazon is doing some big things here guys. AWD is a huge thing and them combining it with Amazons Global Logistics, it then becomes a matter of how much inventory you can get into the system.

That's if you have checked all amazons boxes. Once I started thinking them as my partner rather than my web page to sell something, I decided to go all in.

I'm speaking as a new seller. Who sees a path forward.

This is my year baby!!

Jokes aside thank you to the amazing team at amazon who runs this forum. It can be a priceless tool. Amazon support team you ROCK!!!

Stay focused everyone and I wish everyone the success they are looking for

user profile

As a bookseller, my process is to go through much of my FBM inventory, repricing some items, getting rid of the ones that are no longer profitable (such as the one that Amazon dropped their price from $82 to $2.83), then checking the shelves.

In a typical year, I find 20-30 books that I still have in inventory, but Amazon shows I have no stock, since Amazon doesn't seem to know how to handle a canceled order from a customer.

user profile

As a bookseller, my process is to go through much of my FBM inventory, repricing some items, getting rid of the ones that are no longer profitable (such as the one that Amazon dropped their price from $82 to $2.83), then checking the shelves.

In a typical year, I find 20-30 books that I still have in inventory, but Amazon shows I have no stock, since Amazon doesn't seem to know how to handle a canceled order from a customer.

user profile

I'm probably not telling you anything you're not already aware of, , but do you know whose catalog really needs to be cleaned up?Right.


I try daily to fix things and all I'm met with is opposition, mostly by way of an unbelievable level of incompetence.

Yes, over time, I've learned a few "tricks" on how to get corrections made without going through [Moderator Edit: removed inappropriate commentary] Seller Support. But I would never reveal them here because Amazon would hunt them down and blow them up.

user profile

I'm probably not telling you anything you're not already aware of, , but do you know whose catalog really needs to be cleaned up?Right.


I try daily to fix things and all I'm met with is opposition, mostly by way of an unbelievable level of incompetence.

Yes, over time, I've learned a few "tricks" on how to get corrections made without going through [Moderator Edit: removed inappropriate commentary] Seller Support. But I would never reveal them here because Amazon would hunt them down and blow them up.

user profile

they are NOT your partner.

You are their servant at best.(And not even in a biblical sense as even slaves are to be treated better than us)

You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)

You could find yourself suspended tomorrow, all it takes is the bot running into it.

Then I want to hear you getting help from your partners.

You got 192 reviews on that product, so you sold 50-100 a year at best, over the last 4 years

Not exactly "diving in"

Being that it's 25 bucks a pop, not making a fortune either

user profile
Once I started thinking them as my partner
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user profile

they are NOT your partner.

You are their servant at best.(And not even in a biblical sense as even slaves are to be treated better than us)

You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)

You could find yourself suspended tomorrow, all it takes is the bot running into it.

Then I want to hear you getting help from your partners.

You got 192 reviews on that product, so you sold 50-100 a year at best, over the last 4 years

Not exactly "diving in"

Being that it's 25 bucks a pop, not making a fortune either

user profile
Once I started thinking them as my partner
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user profile

user profile
You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)
View post

There are a lot more violations than that! That's a terrible-looking page.

@Seller_f2StCJPX1cvAQ, Amazon has stated its intentions of "cleaning up" titles that look like this - all bloated with unnecessary verbiage and spammed with key words. "Shredder" appears four times (I'd also count "shred" in with that)..."twist" three times. Two is (supposedly) now the limit for the same word.

Amazon says that titles ...should contain the minimal information needed to identify the item and nothing more.

Yours is way over the top. (Yes, there are many in the catalog like that, and, unfortunately, they all look trashy.)

And the "bullet points"! Yikes!

Amazon says (among other things) about bullet points:

Make each bullet point brief yet descriptive; This is not the place for paragraphs.

That's just one long schpiel that you have broken down into what you think are "bullet points."

Who knows when it will be, but this page will probably (hopefully) get caught by the "title-fixin'" bot. The page is not even close to professional-looking.

Not to mention the fact that spelling is definitely not your strong suit. The errors on that page are embarrassingly basic ones. That makes you - and Amazon - look bad.

And, if I still shopped on Amazon (which I no longer do), I would fear that a page that looked like yours would be a reflection of the product itself. Maybe that's not logical, but I'd never buy something from a seller with that poor of a presentation.

user profile

user profile
You got ONE listing and even in just this one you have policy violations. (1st bullet point)
View post

There are a lot more violations than that! That's a terrible-looking page.

@Seller_f2StCJPX1cvAQ, Amazon has stated its intentions of "cleaning up" titles that look like this - all bloated with unnecessary verbiage and spammed with key words. "Shredder" appears four times (I'd also count "shred" in with that)..."twist" three times. Two is (supposedly) now the limit for the same word.

Amazon says that titles ...should contain the minimal information needed to identify the item and nothing more.

Yours is way over the top. (Yes, there are many in the catalog like that, and, unfortunately, they all look trashy.)

And the "bullet points"! Yikes!

Amazon says (among other things) about bullet points:

Make each bullet point brief yet descriptive; This is not the place for paragraphs.

That's just one long schpiel that you have broken down into what you think are "bullet points."

Who knows when it will be, but this page will probably (hopefully) get caught by the "title-fixin'" bot. The page is not even close to professional-looking.

Not to mention the fact that spelling is definitely not your strong suit. The errors on that page are embarrassingly basic ones. That makes you - and Amazon - look bad.

And, if I still shopped on Amazon (which I no longer do), I would fear that a page that looked like yours would be a reflection of the product itself. Maybe that's not logical, but I'd never buy something from a seller with that poor of a presentation.

user profile

This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.

user profile
(Think a 28mm hobby product being placed in the automotive category because of the name of the product and no way to get it back out, bad as it is, you then get a warning because you are not authorized to sell in the one or other category they moved your products into, but they still wont fix it either...)
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user profile

This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.

user profile
(Think a 28mm hobby product being placed in the automotive category because of the name of the product and no way to get it back out, bad as it is, you then get a warning because you are not authorized to sell in the one or other category they moved your products into, but they still wont fix it either...)
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user profile

Can I ask what you meant by this? Was it that first bullet point in my listing you are talking about?

user profile
Anyways, you might wanna fix that bullet point before your "partners" take note
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user profile

Can I ask what you meant by this? Was it that first bullet point in my listing you are talking about?

user profile
Anyways, you might wanna fix that bullet point before your "partners" take note
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user profile

Yes, and how would you like this issue with 10, 20 or 50 items a month?

user profile
This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.
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user profile

Yes, and how would you like this issue with 10, 20 or 50 items a month?

user profile
This is the reason I gave praise to the amazon seller help team who run the forums in my original post. I had this exact issue with my 1 product. Support ticket after support ticket noting could be done to fix it. I came here to the forums for help and someone from amazon reached out and actually changed my category and browser node. I do understand that amazon support is lacking intelligent people. But get the right one and they can help you i guess.
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user profile

If you are seriously asking that you need to spend more time on your amazon business and in the forums. Just ten minutes a day for a month and your world view will shift. Or sell for a few years.

user profile
Geeze why do you have such a negative view on amazon?
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user profile

If you are seriously asking that you need to spend more time on your amazon business and in the forums. Just ten minutes a day for a month and your world view will shift. Or sell for a few years.

user profile
Geeze why do you have such a negative view on amazon?
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