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New Seller with Questions

I am a new seller here on Amazon, and have been a long time seller of new and collectible toys and games over on eBay. I had some people recommend I look into the Amazon FBA program for my board games, movies, puzzles, etc. Most of the items I have are sealed, original items, with UPCs, but as I scan every item, it is telling me I need approval to sell each item.

How do I get approval to sell these types of items via FBA if I do not purchase documents for them, as most have been purchased over time from retail locations, thrift stores, private collections?

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Tags:Policy, Seller Central, Verification
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Selling items you've brought at retail is a huge no no on Amazon. If you do not have a letter of Authorization from the brand owner of each product you will be deactivated very quickly and you will lose your money.

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New Seller with Questions

I am a new seller here on Amazon, and have been a long time seller of new and collectible toys and games over on eBay. I had some people recommend I look into the Amazon FBA program for my board games, movies, puzzles, etc. Most of the items I have are sealed, original items, with UPCs, but as I scan every item, it is telling me I need approval to sell each item.

How do I get approval to sell these types of items via FBA if I do not purchase documents for them, as most have been purchased over time from retail locations, thrift stores, private collections?

4 replies
Tags:Policy, Seller Central, Verification
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New Seller with Questions

by Seller_2AuxfYg29jKGY

I am a new seller here on Amazon, and have been a long time seller of new and collectible toys and games over on eBay. I had some people recommend I look into the Amazon FBA program for my board games, movies, puzzles, etc. Most of the items I have are sealed, original items, with UPCs, but as I scan every item, it is telling me I need approval to sell each item.

How do I get approval to sell these types of items via FBA if I do not purchase documents for them, as most have been purchased over time from retail locations, thrift stores, private collections?

Tags:Policy, Seller Central, Verification
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Selling items you've brought at retail is a huge no no on Amazon. If you do not have a letter of Authorization from the brand owner of each product you will be deactivated very quickly and you will lose your money.

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Selling items you've brought at retail is a huge no no on Amazon. If you do not have a letter of Authorization from the brand owner of each product you will be deactivated very quickly and you will lose your money.

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Selling items you've brought at retail is a huge no no on Amazon. If you do not have a letter of Authorization from the brand owner of each product you will be deactivated very quickly and you will lose your money.

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